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Logging Time for Others in the Timesheet

Logging time for other team members requires the Log Work for Others and Manage Worklogs permission.

Logging time for others requires the Work On Issues permission.

If you have permission to log time for others, you can log time for your team members in the Timesheet. You may need to do this if a team member is absent for some reason and cannot log the time themselves.

You can't log time for others in the My Work Calendar: only in the Timesheet.

  1. Open the timesheet either from My WorkTeams, or Accounts.

  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to your name to display an editable field and drop-down.

  3. Start typing the name of the team member whose timesheet you want to view, then select them. 

  4. Click Log Time at the top.

  5. Complete the Log Time form.

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