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Setting Project Billing Rates

Some features are not yet available to all customers. To participate in Tempo's Early Access Program and gain access to this feature, visit our TempoLab page.

Billing rates are available when the Revenue Tracking option is enabled for the project. The billing rate is the billable hourly rate for a team member and is used to calculate revenue.

TEMPOLAB However, since fixed price projects don’t use billable hours, billing rates are unavailable when that option is selected.

You can set global rates for each team role in Tempo Settings under Rates. When assigning roles to individuals in projects or teams, the global rates are applied automatically for each individual. Billing rates can be overwritten at the project level, where necessary.

The project can use:

  • A default billing rate for all team members.

  • Individual billing rates for each team member. These can be fixed or changed based on dates.

  • Account rates, which apply different billing rates for a user depending on the account associated with the work.

Before You Begin

  • Billing rates that are defined at the project level and can be viewed only by a project owner or Editor.

  • A Jira Administrator cannot view the cost rates of a project unless they are the owner or Editor of that project.

  • Account rates must be set by Account Administrators and use global billing rates. The global billing rates are managed by Tempo Rate Administrators.

Set the Billing Rate

  1. Open a Financial Manager project with Revenue Tracking enabled.

  2. Click Configuration, and then select Billing Rates in the left panel.

  3. Set any of the following rates:

    • Hourly Billing Rate: This rate is the default rate applied to the project for roles with undefined rates. When a team member logs time for the first time, the default rate is automatically applied.

    • Apply Account Rates: An account can have a billing rate table associated with it. If any work is done for that account within the project scope, the billing rates associated with the account are applied. Work that you track in your project that is not associated with the account will use the default billing rate table in Tempo Settings.

    • Billing Rate: This billable hourly rate is for team members who have logged billable hours on your project. It is populated with the global rate setting for the selected role, where applicable. If you wish to change it, you can overwrite the Billing Rate with the new rate.

    • Flexible Rates can be added based on a set effective date.


Account Rates

Account rates are billing rates associated with an account. A project can include work for one or more accounts. When this is enabled, every time a team member logs or plans work against a Jira issue associated with an account, the billing rate associated with the account is used.

For example, Erica Brown logs work against two different Jira issues. Each issue is associated with a different account using different billing tables. When you view the work in Financial Manager, two different accounts and rates are listed for Erica Brown. However, if Erica logs work against a Jira issue that isn’t associated with an account, the global default billing rate is used.

See Defining Global Billing Rates for more information on how account rates are determined in your projects.

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