Viewing and Navigating the My Work Calendar in Timesheets
If you only have Tempo Timesheets installed, you can plan time for yourself and only see your own plans in the calendar. To plan time for others, you need to have Tempo Planner installed and the Manage Team Plans permission.
To access the Calendar, select My Work in the Tempo sidebar and make sure Calendar is selected at the upper right.
Card Status
To help you get a better overview of your agenda, all My Work Calendar cards are labeled according to type and status. You can quickly spot plans pending approval by their shaded background. Once the plans are approved, their background becomes white. If you choose to display rejected activities in the calendar, they are easily identified by a strikethrough text.
Plans are labelled with :plan_icon: and worklogs with :worklog_icon: . When you have logged time against plans, the plan icon turns gray :plan_icon_gray: to indicate the worklog's origin.
Approval Status
Green dot and a white background indicates that a plan is approved.
Yellow dot and a grey background indicates a plan that is in review.
Red dot and a shaded plan with gray text indicated a plan that has been rejected.
Switching Between List and Time View
You can view the My Work Calendar in List or Time view. Use the time and list buttons :time_and_list: at the top to switch between views.
List view: view calendar issues grouped together either by type or start time. Cards are not sized to show duration.
Time view: view the Calendar as a daily agenda for each day's working hours.
For more information about the List and Time view see, Logging and Planning Your Time in My Work.
Expanding and Collapsing the Side Panel
The Issues side panel is displayed on the right side of the My Work Calendar showing Jira issues from predefined JQL searches. You can drag issues from the side panel directly onto the Calendar. The Log Time dialog box opens and you can enter the time worked. To expand the side panel, click
Navigating Between Weeks
The Calendar shows one week with today's date shaded. To navigate between weeks, simply click the navigation arrows at the top of the Calendar. You can always click the Today button to jump to the current week.
Selecting View Options
The View button at the top-right offers some filtering and display options.
Show Weekends - when selected, weekends are included in the calendar week.
Show Rejected Activities - when selected rejected plans are shown in the My Work Calendar.
Display - these options are only available for List view.
Sort by Start Time - when selected, cards are sorted by their start time.
-OR-Group by Type - when selected, cards are grouped together by type, regardless of start time.
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