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ColumnType Class


ColumnType class represents column type.

It needs to be subclassed for particular column type implementation.



var api = window.almworks.structure.api;

var AwesomeColumnType = api.subClass('AwesomeColumnType', api.ColumnType, {
  createSwitchTypePreset: function(context) { return { key: 'com.acme.structure.awesome-column', params: {} }; },
  createAddColumnPresets: function(context) { return [
   { key: 'com.acme.structure.awesome-column', params: {} }, 
   { key: 'com.acme.structure.awesome-column', name: 'Awesome Column with a Twist', params: { twist: true } }
  ]; },
  createConfigurator: function(context, spec) { return new AwesomeColumnConfigurator({context: context, spec: spec}); },
  createColumn: function(context, spec) { return new AwesomeColumn({context: context, spec: spec}); }

api.registerColumnType(new AwesomeColumnType(), 'com.acme.structure.awesome-column');



Returns default column specification to use when the user switches to this column type from another column type in the column configuration panel. May return null if the column type is unavailable.


Returns an array of column presets (specifications) for this type to be offered to the user in the Add Column panel. May return an empty array if the column type is unavailable.

createColumn(context, spec)

Returns a new instance of Column subclass for the specified column specification. May return null if the specification is invalid, the column type is unavailable, etc.

createConfigurator(context, spec)

Returns a new instance of ColumnConfigurator subclass for the specified column specification. May return null if the specification is invalid, the column type is unavailable, etc.


Returns a JavaScript object specifying the metadata needed by this column type to create presets. Unless the AJAX requests fail, the metadata will be available through context.getMetadata(key) when createSwitchTypePreset() or createAddColumnPresets() is called. See Requesting and Using Metadata for more information. By default returns null, which means that no metadata is needed.


Returns a JavaScript object specifying the metadata needed by this column type to create Column instances. Unless the AJAX requests fail, the metadata will be available through context.getMetadata(key) when createColumn() is called, and also will be available to the created Column instance via this.context. See Requesting and Using Metadata for more information. By default returns null, which means that no metadata is needed.


Returns a JavaScript object specifying the metadata needed by this column type to create ColumnConfigurator instances. Unless the AJAX requests fail, the metadata will be available through context.getMetadata(key) when createConfigurator() is called, and also will be available to the created ColumnConfigurator instance via this.context. See Requesting and Using Metadata for more information. By default returns null, which means that no metadata is needed.


Returns a JavaScript object specifying the metadata needed by this column type. Unless the AJAX requests fail, the metadata will be available through context.getMetadata(key) when createSwitchTypePreset(), createAddColumnPresets(), createColumn(), or createConfigurator() is called, and also will be available to the created Column and ColumnConfigurator instances via this.context. See Requesting and Using Metadata for more information. By default returns null, which means that no metadata is needed.



getMetadataRequests: function() {
  return {
    somedata: {                        // metadata key
      url: baseUrl + '/some/data/url', // request URL
      cacheable: true,                 // if the response for this URL can be reused for other cacheable requests 
      extract: function(response) {    // response to the AJAX request
        return || 1; // the actual value for context.getMetadata('somedata')
    otherdata: {
      url: baseUrl + '/other/data/url',
      cacheable: true
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