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Adding Structure Macro to Confluence

If you’re using a version of Confluence older than 8.0, see Adding Structure Gadget to Confluence 8.x and Below.

To enable the Structure macro in Confluence, the Jira/Confluence admin needs to:

  1. Download the Confluence Helper for Structure app and install it on your Confluence instance.

  2. Connect Confluence to Jira using Application Links. You'll need to enable outgoing authentication from Confluence to your Jira server. (Documentation: Configuring Application Links)

Structure macro can be enabled to allow modifications to the structure, updating and creating issues under the account that is used by Confluence to access Jira. Make sure you understand how Trusted Applications work before allowing production structures to be accessed with this kind of authentication. Using OAuth is more secure because the end-user will never be able to do anything that they are not able to do directly in Jira.

  1. Check the sample page to confirm whether you can include the Structure macro and get data from Jira.

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