Confluence Macro
The Structure macro for Confluence allows you to add a functional structure to any Confluence page.

Adding a Structure Macro to a Confluence Page
When editing a Confluence page, select the Insert Macro button, and search for Structure.

Configure the following options:
Jira application - If you have more than one Jira linked to your Confluence, select the instance you want to use.
Structure - Select the structure you want to include on your Confluence page.
View - The selected view determines which columns the macro displays. (You can adjust the view later.)
Filter Type - Filter the issues in the structure using a text filter, JQL, S-JQL, or a saved filter.
Title (optional) - Add a title to the macro. By default, the name of the structure is used.
Width (optional) - Specify how wide the macro should be in pixels.
Height (optional) - Specify how tall the macro should be in pixels.
Allow changes (optional) - Select this option if you want Confluence viewers to be able to edit the structure and issues (based on their Jira credentials).
Having trouble?
Make sure your Confluence administrator connected Structure and Confluence.
If you’re not currently logged in to the selected Jira, you will be asked to log in before you can add the macro.
Using the Macro
The macro provides most of the functionality available when working in Structure directly, including:
Inline editing - see Editing from Gadget for a list of fields that can be edited from the macro
Moving issues
Deleting issues
Adding/removing columns
Text wrapping and horizontal scrolling

Some of Structure's features are limited or unavailable in the macro:
Search and the Secondary panel are unavailable
The toolbar is unavailable
The displayed Structure macro is not suitable for printing. We suggest using Printable Page to print a structure separately.
Customizing the Macro View
Once you have created your macro, you can customize it by adding, removing, or rearranging columns.

After you’ve made your changes, you can save the updated view, or select Revert to return to the original view.
You must have Update permission for the current view to save changes.
Open the Structure
Working directly from the Structure Board provides the most unrestricted Structure experience. To get to the Structure Board from a macro, click the Open link.

The structure will open on the Structure Board with the same filters and transformations that were applied in the original macro. For example, if the macro only shows items from a specific project, sorted by Assignee, that's exactly what you'll see on the Structure Board. To review or remove these transformations, click the Transformations button in the panel toolbar.