Audit Log
Tempo tracks specific actions performed using Timesheets, Accounts, and Teams, including modifying settings or worklogs. A Tempo Administrator can view the audit logs in Tempo Settings. Each recorded event includes the date, the person who made the change, a generic category, and the action performed. You can expand each log to view more detailed data.

If you want to view a log of bulk actions performed, see Viewing the Bulk Action History.
If you want to view events that occur in Jira, see
View the Audit Log
Navigate to Tempo Settings.
Under Data Access, select Audit Log.
Use the date and filters to view the records you want.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to load more records. You can search the page for specific records, but note that search only looks at the records currently loaded on the page.
Supported Events
The following events are recorded in the audit logs.
As the Audit Log feature is in TempoLab, the list of events might not accurately reflect what’s tracked in Timesheets. If you encounter any discrepancies, please reach out to a Tempo representative in the TempoLab community.
Event | Actions |
Created |
Updated |
Deleted |
Event | Actions |
Create |
Update |
Delete |
Event | Actions |
Create |
Update |
Delete |
Event | Actions |
Create |
Delete |
Tempo Settings
Event | Actions |
Create |
Update |
Delete |