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Getting Started with Gantt Charts for Structure

Gantt Charts for Structure (formerly Structure.Gantt) adds the power of familiar Gantt charts to Jira, so you can instantly visualize issue dependencies and timelines on a global scale.

Structure with a Gantt chart

To open a Gantt chart, select Gantt from the menu.

Opening and closing a Gantt chart

To close the Gantt chart, select Main.

Your Gantt chart will appear beside the current structure. This chart has been pre-configured using the following settings:

To change any of these settings, or add additional customization to your Gantt chart, click the Configuration button.

Gantt settings

Not seeing your Gantt chart?

  1. Have you installed both Structure and Gantt Charts for Structure?

  2. Do you have at least "Browse Users and Groups" Global Permission in Jira?

If not, please speak with your system administrator.

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