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Logging Time in Tempo for Slack

Select the “Log Time” option or type /tempo wl. The command wl denotes worklog. A dialog is displayed to enter information like Issue Key, Date, Duration, Start time , and Description of the issue. Click Log time.

You will see different fields if your organization has created any custom attributes.

Log Time in Slack.png

A confirmation message is displayed in Slack that the worklog is submitted.


Using Slash Commands

Log time using the following commands. You can add a single worklog at a time. The slash commands work only when they are sent to the Tempo for Slack App.

The command wl denotes 'Worklog'.



/tempo wl or /tempo worklog

Opens the Log Time Dialog.

/tempo wl -h or --help

Displays the help options available.

/tempo worklog -i or --issue

Issue key number. Example: LEX-2415

/tempo worklog -l or --duration

Total time logged for issue in hours. Example: 3

/tempo worklog -d or --startDay

Adds relative day. Example: -1 to get yesterday's date, 0 to get today's date.

/tempo worklog -t or --startTime

Start time in hh: mm format. Example: 10:00

/tempo worklog -c or --description

Description of the work. This may be an optional field based on your organization's configuration.

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