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Planned Costs

The Planned Costs page lets you to enter all expenses and team Human resources that you expect the folio will require during its lifespan.

Expenses are added to one of three main categories: Operational expenditures (OPEX), Capital expenditures (CAPEX) or Financial expenditures (FINEX). Expenses can be planned as single expense or as a recurrent expense.  Human resources are the staff members you need to complete the work planned, such as developers, testers, team leads, etc. and are added as operational expenditures.  Information entered here will be used to provide project health metrics on the Overview page and shown as a reference on the Costs Forecast chart.

Planned costs can be baselined for future reference and comparing various scenarios.


The Planned Costs page shows the calculated cost for each expense and expense group (type). You can collapse or expand a group of expenses by clicking the triangle icon (

) next to the expense type.

See the Expenses page for more information about expenses and how their cost is calculated.

Planning an expense

To add an expense, either click the Plan an Expense button ($) or hit the "a" (for add) shortcut key.  This displays the Plan an Expense dialog.  Refer to Editing an Expense to learn how to fill out the editing dialog. Select the Plan another check box at the bottom of the dialog in order to create many expenses, one after the other. 


Name of the expense. 

Examples: Rent for 222 Main Street, IDE licenses, Printer toner, Web hosting fee 


Category of the expense.  OPEX, CAPEX, FINEX. See Categories for more information about each option.


Type of the expense. This gives you access to a list of pre-defined expense types you can use to classify your expenses and for filtering in reports.  You can begin typing in this field to quickly find a match, or click the drop-down arrow to select from the list.

You require Tempo Account Administrator permissions to add to or edit the list of Expense Categories (types). To access the Expense Categories,  select Tempo > Settings.

AmountAmount of the expense.  Note that in the case of a recurrent expense, the amount of the payments for that expense will depend on whether it is amortized or not.  In the case of an amortized expense, the amount entered here will be evenly split into the number of payments defined in the recurrence definition.  Otherwise, the amount of each payment is the amount entered in this field.

The currency of the expense.

Default: Currency set for the folio.


By default, an expense occurs on a single date.  To edit the date or to make the expense recurrent (and possibly amortized), click the Edit link to access a dialog that allows make changes.  As you edit values in the dialog, Your recurrence summary updates dynamically in the text filed located immediately above. 

Refer to Recurrence for more details.


When selected, the payments for the expense are split over a period of time. This option is available when the Repeat value in the Recurrence definition dialog is a value other than Once.  When amortized, the expense is evenly split into payments that are scheduled on the dates defined in the Recurring field.

AccountYou can select a Tempo Account to associate the expense with. (optional)

Jira Issue Labels to associate the expense with.

Refer to Labels for more details.


You can choose to enter a description of the expense. 

Copying an expense to actual costs

Select an existing expense to copy to actual costs by clicking on it and then either clicking on the drop-down menu in the top-right part of the expense details view (on the right side of the screen) and selecting the Copy to actual option, or hitting the "V" shortcut key.  This will copy the selected expense to actual costs, including its attached files. 

You can copy multiple expenses to actual costs in one go by selecting them in the budget (press and hold down the Control key while you click the expenses to be copied).  You can then copy the selected expenses in the same way you copy a single expense.  The confirmation message will inform you of the number of expenses that have been copied.

Human Resources

Human resources are the salary expenses you plan for the folio to incur at one point or another. The planned costs page shows the calculated cost for each Human resource and Human resource group (title). The cost displayed on group title rows is simply the sum of the costs of the Human resources in that group. You can collapse or expand a group of Human resources by clicking the triangle icon (

) next to a Human resource title.

See the Human resources page for more information on Human resources and how their cost is calculated.

Planning a Human resource

To plan a Human resource, either click the Plan Human Resource button or hit the "o"  shortcut key to display the Plan a Human Resource dialog.  Check the Plan another box at the bottom of the dialog to create additional Human resources, one after the other.


Name of the Human resource

Examples: J2EE Developer 1, Database Administrator


Role of the resource used to classify Human resources. The list of valid roles is configured by JIRA administrators at the add-on level under Tempo Teams > Team Roles.

Examples: Developer, Q&A, Management, etc.

Cost rate

Hourly rate for this Human resource (wage).

Number of Human resources to create.

Example: if repeat is 6, Tempo Budgets will create six Human resources. All created Human resources will have the same values (title, wage, ...).

FromDate on which work on the project is planned to start for the Human resource or Human resources.
ToDate on which work on the project is planned to end for the Human resource or Human resources.

Planned Effort

Amount of time the Human resource is planned to be active during the folio. The effort can be entered in one of two ways:

    • By specifying a percentage of normal business hours between the two specified dates. The planned effort will be calculated based on the normal hours per day configured in the Work Schedule.
    • By specifying an amount of time between the two specified dates. The specified time will be evenly distributed over the time frame.

The effort will be displayed as a number of hours in the Planned costs screen, no matter how the value was entered.

AccountSpecifies the Tempo Account to associate the Human resource with. (optional)

Jira Issue Label to associate with the Human resource.

Refer to Labelsdocumentation for more details.


You can choose enter a description of the human resource.

Planning human resources from estimates

Tempo Budgets can automatically plan human resources based on the estimated effort of issues within the folio's scope and time frame.

  • Derives planned human resources to match the sum of original estimates of the folio's scope.
  • Completes budgeted human resources if your currently planned human resources are not sufficient to match the estimated effort


Name of the human resources

Examples: J2EE Developer 1, Database Administrator


Role of the resource used to classify human resources. The list of valid roles is configured by Jira administrators at the add-on level under Tempo Teams > Team Roles.

Examples: Developer, Q&A, Management, etc.

Cost rate

Average hourly rate for these human resources (wage)

Effective date

The capacity of a human resource is based on the work schedule between the effective date and the folio's end date.

Planning human resources from staff members

Tempo Budgets can automatically plan human resources based on staff members' cost rates and availability, assigned issues, or planned items. It will populate the planned costs with human resources matching the current structure of the folio's staff. All derived Human resources will inherit the availability and cost rates of the source staff member. See all options in Plan from Staff Members.

Editing a human resource

Select an existing human resource to be modified by clicking on it and then either clicking on the ... menu in the top-right part of the details panel (on the right side of the screen) and selecting the Edit option, or hitting the e (for edit) shortcut key.  This brings up the editing dialog.  Refer to the Adding a Human resource section for a detailed description of the editing dialog.

Deleting a human resource

Select an existing human resource to delete by clicking on it and then either clicking on the ... menu in the top-right part of the details panel (on the right side of the screen) and selecting the Delete option, or hitting the d (for delete) shortcut key.  This brings up a dialog to confirm the deletion.  Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion, or Cancel to cancel.  Deletion is permanent, so make sure you really want to delete a Human resource before proceeding.

You can delete multiple Human resources (and even a mix of expenses and Human resources) in one go. Refer to Multiple Selection to learn how to perform bulk deletion.

Expenses and Human resources Timeline

The Timeline view is displayed when the right part of the toggle button located in the top-left corner of the Expenditure Browser is pressed

. It shows each expense payment and planned Human resources over the Folio's time frame as an interactive timeline chart. Each element displayed for an expense (shown in blue) on the timeline reflects a payment for that expense. Human resources (shown in green) are show as periods, covering the planned availability period for each planned Human resource.

Timeline charts in Tempo Budgets offer various controls to navigate and focus on certain periods of time. Please refer to the Timelines page to learn more on available ways to interact with the Timeline.

All operations described above can be executed directly from the timeline, including editing, deletion, search, multi-selection, etc.

Hovering over one of the timeline elements shows the date or time period corresponding to that element and its summary information, such as its name and planned cost.

Import / Export

Tempo Budgets Allows you to import or export your data in CSV (comma separated values) format.

Importing Planned Costs

To import data from an existing CSV file, click the ... button, and select Import data or hit the "i"  shortcut key to open the import dialog. See Importing Data from CSV and Planned Costs/Revenues Import to learn more about importing Planned Costs.

Exporting Planned Costs

To export data to an external CSV file click on the ... button, and select Export data or hit the "x" shortcut key to instantly export data. The exported CSV file includes both planned Human resources and expenses. See Planned Costs or Revenues CSV Export Detail to learn more about export data.

Approving planned costs

Planned costs can be approved using a baselining mechanism. Refer to the Baselines page for more information on managing baselines.

Scope Inspector

The scope inspector allows you to view the breakdown of the folio's scope by issue type (user stories, bugs, etc.) and see whether the planned Human resources have a capacity that matches the effort required for that scope. It will help you answer questions such as:

  • Are the planned salaries sufficient to implement the planned features of our application?
  • How much required effort has been estimated for the planned scope? How much to fix the known bugs?
  • What's the maximum effort a person can possibly provide given the current folio's time frame?

Clicking the Scope button brings up that information in the details panel on the right.

Scope Inspector

Shows or hides Scope Inspector.

XHides the Scope Inspector.

Inline Help. Clicking on the icon opens up an inline dialog containing definitions of elements displayed in the section.

Saved filterClicking on Saved Filter displays all JIRA issues included in your folio's scope
Capacity per PersonA single person's capacity in terms of regular working hours, given the folio's time frame and the Working Schedule configuration.
Planned Human resourcesTotal number of Human resources currently planned
Planned EffortTotal number of working hours currently planned
Assigned IssuesNumber of assigned issues among all issues in this folio's scope.
Unassigned IssuesNumber of issues that are not assigned among all issue in this folio's scope.
Currently Planned
Planned Human resourcesNumber of planned Human resources in this folio.
Planned EffortNumber of work hours planned in this folio.
Breakdown By Issue Type
Issue TypeType of issues (User Story, Task, Bug, etc.)
CountTotal number of issues by type
Earned Value Field

Sum of the Earned Value Field for all issues of a given type. Will not be display if Earned Value Field is set to Original Estimate.

Original EstimateSum of Original Estimate for all issues of a given type.

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