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April 2024 Timesheets, Planner, Financial Manager Release Notes


Planner - Flexible Planning

  • Plan anything with our Planner’s new Flex Plans. You don’t need a team, estimate, or assignee - just start planning. Add the details later as the plan becomes clearer.



  • Once you’re ready to assign the plan, you can drag and drop it to a team. This automatically assigns the plan and updates your capacity calculations.



Planner - Capacity Indicator improvements

  • When you open capacity indicators for a team, the capacity breakdown provides more digestible information.



Planner - Sync Team plans with Jira issues

  • Configure Planner to sync your team plans with Jira issues. By default, Team plans are synced with Epics (issue type hierarchy levels 1 and above). You need to have the Tempo Team field available in Jira to successfully sync issues.



Planner - Jira two-way sync improvement

  • Sync plans based on the Jira issue type hierarchy. Team plans are synced with hierarchy 1 or above issue types (Epics and other high-level tasks like Features or Initiatives). Individual plans are synced with hierarchy 0 or below issue types (Stories and small tasks like Bugs or Tasks).

Planner - UX improvements


  • Fixed: You couldn’t re-import a Tempo account with an account key that used different upper or lower casing.

  • Fixed: In some circumstances, a user could not sync plans with Jira.


  • You can view the number of worklogs added per item in the Logged Time report using the Worklog Count column in the Overview view.



  • Fixed: In some cases, the Account Work Attribute field didn’t display options.

Cost Tracker - Remove Tasks from Groups

  • Remove tasks from a group in the project's Scope tab.



Cost Tracker - Search for Projects

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