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Restricting User Access to Structure

By default, Structure is accessible to anyone who has Browse permission on structure-enabled projects. You can further restrict this access level to one or more user groups.

To select who can use Structure:

  1. Navigate to Administration | Structure | Configuration.
  2. Click Select Structure Users.
  3. Select whether Structure should be available to Everyone or to Users in selected groups/roles.
  4. In the latter case, change the selected groups/roles list by selecting the second radio button and use the Add Group/Role section to add one or more required user groups or project roles. To set up required property, use the drop-down selectors to choose either Group or Project option, then choose the required group name or project/role combination and press the Add button to add it to the list. If project is set to "Any", this means that the user should be in the specified role for any of structure-enabled projects.
  5. You can remove the permission option by clicking the trashcan icon on the right of the option. 
  6. Click Apply when done or Cancel to dismiss your changes.

Which projects are enabled for the Structure also affects Who Has Access to the Structure.

When Structure is enabled for anyone, even anonymous visitors will have access to Structure. To make Structure accessible to only logged in users, restrict access to the jira-users group.

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