The Resources section of your chart is split into two panels:
Resources - Displays a list of all resources, based on the information entered in the field you assigned for resources.
Resource Usage - Displays the workload for each resource at a given time.
Hidden Resources
If the structure has been filtered, the Resource panel will only include those resources assigned to the items left in the structure.
Resource Usage Timeline
The Resource Usage timeline aligns with the Gantt chart timeline above and adapts to the zoom level selected in the Gantt toolbar. Zoom in or zoom out to see details of allocation within a specific period.
Groups and Milestones
Resources cannot be assigned to groups or milestones.
If an issue is treated as a group, any resources assigned to that issue will be ignored when calculating resource usage.
If there is more work assigned to a resource than the resource can handle, the Usage square for that block of time will be highlighted. This allows you to quickly identify places where you may need to revisit your timeline or work distribution.
Hours vs Percentage
Resource usage can be displayed in one of two ways:
the number of hours assigned to a resource for a set period of time
the percentage of a resource's availability (as determined in Resource Settings) that is being used at a given time
To change how resource usage is displayed, simply click on the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the Resource Usage panel.
Depending on your zoom level and work schedule, chart cells may appear the same but contain different amounts of work. For example, with a 6-hour zoom, you will see two cells for a typical work day (6am-12pm and 12pm-6pm), but if your work day is from 9am-5pm, the first cell will only represent 3 hours of work, while the second represents 5 hours. This is perfectly normal and does not impact the percentage of availability in any way.
Backlog Panel
When using sprint-based scheduling with the Backlog panel visible, the resource requirements for backlog items will be displayed to the left of the Resource Usage panel. This allows you to quickly see how much unscheduled work has been assigned to each resource, so you can make adjustments before tasks are added to the schedule.
If your team uses Capacity Planner (formerly Planner by Tempo), you can use the data in Planner to display resource usage across all projects, rather than just across the Gantt chart.
Learn more about working with Capacity Planner
To use scheduling and resource data from Capacity Planner:
When Planner mode is enabled, many of the options on the Scheduling and Resources screen will be grayed out, as this information will be pulled from Capacity Planner instead.
In order to use Tempo data for resource availability, the Jira admin must first connect Structure and Capacity Planner.
If you receive a 'Jira feature is switched OFF on Capacity Planner side' message, ask your Jira Admin to go to Apps | Tempo | Settings | Planning Time and enable Sync plans with Jira issues. Once this is enabled, return to the Gantt configuration and select Use scheduling and resource data from Capacity Planner again.
Individuals vs. Team
When using Planner mode, you can visualize and schedule work based on individual users or Tempo Teams.
When planning for individuals:
The Resources panel displays all users that have work assigned to them in the structure
The Resource Usage panel displays different information, depending on whether you’re using Planner data or Gantt data:
Planner data (the Tempo icon is highlighted) - displays the total amount of work planned for individuals, across all projects, even for issues not in the chart
Gantt data - displays the total amount of work assigned to individuals within the Gantt chart
Team Planning mode allows you to visualize time for your teams, as well as each member within a team. When using Team Planning and Tempo data, the resource usage is rolled up. In the example below:
Team members (ex. “Evi Steele”) - displays individual allocations from Capacity Planner
Team (“Android Team”) - shows epic-level work allocated to the team in Capacity Planner
Overall group (“Temp Team: Android Team”) - shows the combined allocation for the team and its team members
Don’t see allocations in the Resource Usage panel?
If the structure is grouped by Tempo users or teams (either by a Group generator or quick group), the Gantt chart will not show Planner allocations for group items in the following places:
Dashboard gadget
Confluence macro
Exported Gantt chart
Gantt allocations will be displayed for the groups in these locations.
Scheduling and Resource Allocation with Capacity Planner
When Planner mode is enabled, tasks will be scheduled according to the information provided by Capacity Planner:
If an issue has a plan associated with it, Plan Start and Plan End dates will be used to schedule the task.
If there is no plan associated with the issue: the issue will be automatically scheduled.
To apply custom manual scheduling rules to select tasks, use a Slice.
If your structure is organized with stories under epics, make sure Treat parent issues as groups is switched off to view your Team plans.
Resource Usage: Gantt vs. Capacity Planner
By default, the Gantt chart only shows utilization within the scope of the chart – so any work planned for issues that aren't in your structure (and Gantt chart) won't be accounted for.
Using Capacity Planner data, Gantt can consider allocations from any issue – even if it isn't in the chart – when determining resource allocation. So if you're scheduling Project A, but someone on your team has work planned for Project B, that time will be considered when determining their availability.
Switching Between Capacity Planner and Gantt Data
In the Resource panel, you can toggle between using Capacity Planner data or the Gantt chart's data to calculate utilization by clicking the Tempo button.