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Roadmunk 101 - Get Started with Feedback Management

Introduction to Feedback Management

The Feedback module in Roadmunk allows teams to consistently collect and manage inbound feedback from customers and direct that feedback towards the appropriate product area, team, or owner to ensure that your customers' feedback is getting to the right people on your team and not getting lost in the ether. This allows Roadmunk to provide better visibility across your organization into the feedback provided by your customers, but also helps you to centralize the inbound flow of feedback from customers into a single channel that's easy to manage and navigate.

Getting Started with Feedback Management

How Feedback Management Fits into Roadmunk

Feedback is often provided in a way which will require follow-up and clarification - typically, something that can take time away from teams and cause delays in getting to the true source of your customers' pain-points. By enabling product managers to process and link credible feedback with a backlog of ideas, Roadmunk gives product managers with better visibility into the source of feedback, making it easier to know which customers to follow-up with for more details or when a pain-point solving update is rolled out.

More Articles on Feedback Management

To learn how to implement this feature in Roadmunk, check out the following training articles:

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