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Getting Started with the Feedback Portal

Available on the following plans:

  • Starter

  • Business

  • Professional

  • Enterprise

Terms to Know

  • Feedback Portal - Also referred to as a "Portal", the Feedback Portal provides external/non-licensed users with the ability to contribute feedback into the application.

  • Product Areas - A top-level category or grouping used to better define and organize user-generated Feedback and Ideas in Roadmunk.

  • My Products - A consolidated inbox containing all feedback that has been submitted towards Product Areas and Components that you're currently listed as the owner on.

Creating a New Feedback Portal


In order to setup your first Feedback Portal, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the Feedback module, navigate to the Portal landing page through the top-navigation.

  2. In the empty Portal landing page, select the New Portal button to create a new Portal.

  3. Once the New Portal panel appears on the right side of the screen, enter the following details into the respective text boxes:

    • Portal Title - A name for your portal, which will appear directly at the top of the form under your company logo (if you've uploaded one into Roadmunk).

    • Portal Description - An optional field to provide external users with any instructions or notes relevant to the feedback submission process.

    • Product Areas - A field to define which product areas external users can submit feedback against. Users are required to select at least 1 Product Area or Component to direct feedback to in order to create their Portal.

  4. Once these details have been added, press the Save button to commit the changes and publish your Portal. The following options are not visible in the setup menu, but will be automatically applied once you click save:

    • Portal Status - A toggle in the bottom of the Feedback control panel which allows you to set whether your Feedback Portal is Live or not. When you create your profile, this will be set to "Live" by default.

    • Company Logo - While not visible on this menu, your company logo can be added to your portal by uploading it via the Account Settings menu. More details on setting up a logo in Roadmunk can be found here.

Once this setup has been completed your Portal will be published to a deployment-specific site, labelled as feedback-portal-(deploymentName) As with published URLs in the Roadmaps module, this Portal will be available to any users who have been provided the direct link.

Updating the Feedback Portal


The Feedback Portal can be updated at any time by selecting the Edit Portal button (highlighted above) on the Portal Details panel. Updates to the Feedback Portal are applied automatically for all new visitors; however, if you do have the portal open in another tab or window you may need to refresh the page to view the changes made.

Submitting Feedback Through the Portal


For end-users, submitting feedback through the Feedback Portal is a simple process. Once provided the link, the user will complete the form and press the Submit Feedback button - this will take them to a confirmation screen that lets them know they've successfully completed their submission.

Once submitted, the feedback will be passed along to your Feedback Inbox and assigned to the appropriate Product Area or Component that the user selected on the form, along with the My Products inbox for any owners of those areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does using the Feedback Portal require special licenses or incur additional charges? 

  • Any users who have access to the Feedback module will also be able to access the Feedback Portal at no extra cost, and external users will not require special licenses to access the Portal.

Is there an option to edit the Feedback Portal URL?

  • Not at the moment, although you can always embed the Feedback Portal into another site or tool using an iFrame. More details on that feature can be found in this article.

How can create multiple Feedback Portals in Roadmunk?

  • To create an additional Portal, simply click the New Portal button and follow the steps listed in the first section of this article, Creating a New Feedback Portal. Users are able to create up to 10 Portals at this time.

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