Track Capex/Opex accounts
Tempo accounts that are categorized as Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) or Operating Expenses (OPEX) can be tracked in Financial Manager. Jira issues and Tempo worklogs that are associated with these accounts are calculated based on the logged hours and the user rates defined in Financial Manager. Those calculated totals are displayed in a side panel that compares CAPEX vs OPEX activities.
Tempo accounts are available with four different account category types, each indicating how revenue and cost are calculated and handled:
Capitalized: for logging time related to CAPEX
Operational: for logging time related to OPEX
Billable: for logging billable time to customers or to internal customers
Internal: for logging time related to internal non-billable activities
Financial Manager imports Jira issues and Tempo Timesheets data associated with CAPEX and OPEX accounts and calculates expenditures based on the current cost rates. To be able use the CAPEX and OPEX data in Financial Manager, you must first:
Create an account category with the Capitalized Type and another one for Operational category type.
Create Tempo accounts that are in these categories.
Link those Tempo accounts to related Jira projects.
Link the Tempo accounts to issues in the Jira project.
Log time to the Jira issues with these linked Tempo accounts.
Comparing CAPEX and OPEX Accounts
In the Overview tab of a Financial Manager project, the calculated costs are represented in a bar that shows the comparison between the CAPEX versus the OPEX amounts for the project. An overview of the accumulated expenses are split by category and a breakdown of the accounts that contributed to these results are shown.
Open a project in Financial Manager.
In the Overview tab, the Accounts side panel on the right displays a CAPEX vs. OPEX bar.
If the project includes time logged to accounts that are of Capitalized (CAPEX) or Operational (OPEX) types, the calculated costs are displayed for each account type on the bar.Click either the CAPEX or OPEX link below the bar to drill down into the details of the related accounts for each account type.
The total hours logged and calculated amounts are shown to correspond with the total amount for each account. Hover over the account name to reveal the Account key, Customer, and other information:
The list of accounts names is displayed. This corresponds to the time logged to the Jira issues with an associated account that is of Capitalized or Operational type.
The breakdown is sorted by amounts in descending order (1st sort order), then by account name alphabetically (2nd sort order).
The amounts are the sum of actual costs from labor and expenses that are associated to each account.
Total time spent is displayed for each account type and the breakdown of time spent is displayed for each account.
Unlike costs, expenses do not have corresponding number of logged hours associated to them. If an account is associated with expenses only in a project without any additional costs with logged hours, then the account summary will not show any total hours against the sum of expenses.
Click the the < arrow at the top of the panel to go back and select the other account type.
Calculated costs are based on the logged hours for the assigned user under this account type, calculated by the rate and any other flexible rates that might have been applied. If rates are not defined then the default global rate is used.Uncategorized displays the total actual costs for the logged hours in a Financial Manager project that are not associated to any accounts, or are associated to accounts that are neither CAPEX nor OPEX. Click on the information icon to learn how to setup CAPEX and OPEX accounts.
If you change a worklog account and associate it to Capitalized or Operational type account, the changes are immediately reflected in the the total Uncategorized accounts and added to the account totals where applicable.
Viewing CAPEX/OPEX Worklogs and Costs
On the Scope tab, the Tasks table provides details about the project costs from which the CAPEX and OPEX amounts are derived.
Accounts associated to the worklogs might be different from the accounts associated to the issue for which the time is logged.
The worklog's account (from the Account work attribute) takes precedence over the account associated to the Jira Issue.
On the Scope tab, click on a Jira Issue number in the Tasks table to open that Jira issue.
Click one of the worklogs to view its details.
If no accounts are associated to the worklog, then the account associated to the issue is used in the calculations.To change the Account in the worklog, click to select from a list of available accounts.
Archived accounts are not available in the list of Accounts, but related logged time and expenses are calculated in Financial Manager and are included in the exported CSV data.
The change is immediately reflected in the Tasks table and in the Accounts Overview for CAPEX/OPEX/Uncategorized totals where applicable. Click the Overview tab to see the calculated totals.
If there are no worklogs related to CAPEX or OPEX in a project (such as if accounts are only of the Internal type), then no data is shown.
Viewing Tempo accounts associated with customers
Customers can be associated with multiple Tempo accounts where accounts could be of any type: billable, internal, CAPEX, or OPEX. The name of customer that is associated with a Tempo account is displayed in the tooltip over the account name, where applicable. Customer information associated to Tempo accounts is not shown in the Financial Manager Overview or the Scope tab, but is included in the exported .CSV file and returned in API calls.
To see the costs and logged hours for all accounts per customer:
Use the exported CSV data to filter by customer name.
Use the API calls to retrieve data per customer name.
Hover over the accounts to see the associated customer Name in the tooltip.

Associating expenses with Tempo accounts
You can categorize expenses by associating expenses with Tempo accounts in Financial Manager. Expenses that are associated with Capex or Opex accounts are added to the total amounts of costs appearing in the Overview page.
On the Expenses tab, click Add Expense.
To edit an existing expense, click ... and Edit an expense.
Enter the expense information and click in the Account dropdown to select an account.
Start typing to see a list of available Tempo accounts, then keep typing to filter. Archived accounts are not displayed.Click Add Expense to add or Update to save the changes.
The account information is added with the expense in the Expenses table.Click Overview to see that the expense amount is added to the widget where the account is categorized as CAPEX, OPEX, or other.
The amounts associated to accounts are a breakdown of actual costs; includes a combination of labor costs and expense costs. Expenses are added to the amounts grouped by the same account and account category.
The total number of hours for expenses is left blank in the Accounts side panel breakdown.
The amounts associated to accounts are a breakdown of actual costs: includes a combination of labor costs and expense costs. Expenses are added to the amounts grouped by the same account and account category.
The total number of hours for expenses is left blank in the Accounts side panel breakdown.
Exporting Tempo account worklog and cost data
In the Scope tab, a breakdown of worklogs and their associated account and customer information can be obtained in a .CSV file that exports the labor costs exported from the Scope drop-down.
Export the labor related data based on logged time to .CSV format and use this data to filter projects by worklog, accounts and other attributes. You can compare the CSV file with the Overview page to retrieve all attributes related to projects, accounts, customers, costs and revenues, however there could be a difference as the goal of the export is to provide labor costs only not all actual costs as in the overview page.
To export worklog data:
Click the Scope tab and select Export Labor Costs to CSV in the drop-down.
The exported data is compiled and sent to your download folder.Open the file and filter the columns to run your reports or queries.
A breakdown for each worklog is presented in a separate line in the .CSV file. Expenses are not included with the exported data but can be viewed in the Scope page or retrieved via API calls.
Scroll across the file to see the data related to the associated accounts and customers under the following column names:
Account Name
Account Key
Account Category
Account Category Type
Customer Name
Customer Key