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Professional Services Automation with Tempo Apps

Understand where your teams spend their time, plan work, and monitor your financials.

Our Professional Services Automation solution allows you to:

  • Forecast your costs and revenue using Planned time data

  • Compare planned time to actual time for your project

  • Compare planned costs data to actual costs data in Financial Manager

  • Compare planned revenue to actual revenue data in Financial Manager

How does it work?

The Tempo Professional Services Automation solution is a modular solution to support your professional services and support organization operations. When you purchase a Tempo cloud app, such as Capacity Planner by Tempo, you can use it with other Tempo products to achieve more significant insights into your business, such as forecasting cost and revenue.

Tempo's Professional Services Automation offering combines the power of Capacity Planner, Timesheets, and Financial Manager so you can plan your projects, track your work, and monitor and forecast your profitability based on real-time changes in your day-to-day activities in Jira. When change inevitably occurs, you can adapt quickly and adjust your project scope to manage your margins.

Who is this documentation for?

This documentation is primarily aimed at Administrators and Managers. It guides you through setup and usage.

The setup steps assume:

  • you want to include accounts to track billing.

  • you want to use teams, such as internal development or support teams, to plan effectively.

  • you want to use generic resources to soft book team members that haven’t been assigned to a project yet.

  • you want to approve plans or timesheets before.

More documentation about the Tempo apps that combine into our Professional Services Automation solution is available at our Tempo Help Center.

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