Log time
The core function of Tempo Timesheets is to log time on Jira issues, which creates a worklog (a record) of your logged time. Timesheets also allows you to log multiple team members' time to a single issue.
You can log time directly in Jira or in Tempo.
Log time in Tempo
The Timesheet in My Work allows you to view the time logged on your Jira tasks across a specific period. Your user timesheet shows the time that you logged. Depending on the permissions that you have, you can also view your team's timesheet and account timesheet.
You can select various view options to customize the timesheet to show information important to you. You can also organize the timesheet by grouping the worklogs by, for example, Jira project, customer account, or Jira issue.
You can use the Log Time button to log time for yourself or others, or you can click directly on the timesheet to create a new worklog. You can also use the timesheet to edit, move, copy, and delete your worklogs. The List view shows all worklogs as a table and enables you to edit the values for multiple worklogs at the same time.
To keep working with the timesheet data in a different format, you can export the timesheet to PDF, CSV, or Excel format.

Open the Timesheet from My Work, Teams, or Accounts.
Open the Log Time form by clicking the Log Time button.
Fill out the Log Time form and click the Log Time button to log time to that issue.
You can log time for other uses (with the appropriate permission) by changing the user in the timesheet. Click the drop-down arrow next to your name to display an editable field and drop-down.
Edit worklogs
You can your own edit worklogs in the Timesheet as long the timesheets are within an open timesheet period. However, if you have the Manage Worklogs permission for your team, such as if you're a team lead, you can edit team members' worklogs even after the period is closed or approved.
Click a cell for an issue in the timesheet to edit the number of hours logged.
Open the Timesheet from My Work, Teams, or Accounts.
Change the Date, Description, and Logged hours worked by clicking the fields and changing the entries. When you are finished, click Close.
Click the ellipsis (...) at the right side of the pop-up.
Select Edit. The Edit Time Record dialog appears and you can update a wide range of fields, including billable hours and work attributes. Simply click Update to save the changes.
Select Move Worklog to move the logged hours to another issue.
Select Split to divide the logged hours between two Jira issues.
If you're editing a team member's worklogs, switch to their timesheet using the Name list in the top left.
Log time in Jira
You can log your time directly in the issue you're working on using the Tempo panel, available in the Jira issue view or the Tempo panel included in the issue's side panel.
You can log your time, edit worklogs, and view the worklog data for the issue, ordered by date. You can filter the data you view in the Tempo panel to display all issue data or only your own. You can also access reports from the Tempo panel.
Displaying the Tempo panel
By default, the Tempo is not displayed in the Jira issue view. Once you open the Tempo panel, it remains displayed in the issue until you or someone else hides it.
The Tempo panel setting is issue-specific, but not user-specific. You must open the Tempo panel for each issue unless a different user has opened the Tempo panel.
When the panel is open, it is open for all users who view the issue. When the panel is closed, it is closed for all users who view the issue.
To display or hide the Tempo panel in a Jira issue:
Open a Jira issue.
Click the Tempo icon at the top of the Jira issue to display the Tempo panel, or click Open Tempo at the bottom of the issue's panel on the right to display the Tempo panel on the right side.
The Tempo panel appears in the center of the issue. If you do not have any worklogs, you can log time directly from the panel by clicking Log Time icon.
You can now log time from the central Tempo panel or the Tempo side panel in Jira.
Edit your worklogs in a Jira issue
Click the at the right end of the worklog you want to edit, and then select an option:
Edit - edit any worklog information in the Edit Worklog form, such as if incorrect amount of hours was logged on the incorrect Jira issue was selected. move the hours logged on that issue to another one by editing the worklog as described above. This will save you from deleting the worklog and creating a new one
Split - divide the time logged in a worklog between two Jira issues.
Delete - delete the worklog. This requires Delete Own Worklogs or Delete All Worklogs permission.
Log time with a Tempo Tracker
A tracker is a Tempo stopwatch that you can use to record time spent working on a Jira issue. Once you start it, it continues to record time until you pause it. After you've completed your work, you can quickly log your tracked time as a worklog.
You can run a Tempo tracker:
In a Jira issue as you're working there
As a gadget on your Jira dashboard
From the Tempo mobile app which lets you log time on the go
Time tracker for Chrome which lets you log time in a browser outside of Jira
To add a Tempo tracker to a Jira issue in the side panel:
Open a Jira issue on which you are working.
Click Open Tempo on the right side to expand the Tempo side panel.
The Tempo side panel opens.
In the Trackers section at the bottom, click Add. You can add more than one tracker here.
You can enter a description for the tracker, which is useful if you have more than one tracker for this issue.
Click to start the tracker. It runs in the background even if the Jira issue is closed.
Click to pause the tracker, such as if you're temporarily working on another Jira issue or something else.
When you're finished working on this issue, you can log your tracked time by clicking the ✔️.
The Time spent, Start time, and End time fields are automatically filled in from the tracker.
Click Submit to log your time, and the tracker closes.
The time recorded is rounded down to the nearest minute.
Add Tempo Trackers to Your Jira Dashboard
You can also track time against an issue by using the trackers on your Jira dashboard. When you add the Tempo Tracker gadget to your dashboard, it automatically includes all of your existing trackers and provides an option to create new trackers.
Go to your Jira dashboard.
Click Add gadget at the upper-right or in an empty space.
Type tempo trackers in the search field.
Click Add gadget next to the Tempo tracker gadget item, then click Close.
All your existing Tempo trackers are added to your dashboard, and you can add new ones by clicking the + here.
You can now use the trackers to record and log your time spent on issues.
Log time to a Tempo Account
Logging your time to a Tempo account is how you get the data that you need for accurate reports on certain initiatives or projects, such as the number of hours logged to a billable Tempo account for invoicing a customer.
Logging time to a Tempo account using the Account field in a Jira issue
This is the simplest way for you to log time to a Tempo account, and helps avoid making errors when logging time.
The preferred account is already selected for a Jira issue so that all time logged to that issue (all worklogs) is automatically linked to that account - there's no other step required to log time to an account.
Select a Tempo account from the Account field in the Jira issue view if one isn't already set. You can also change this account if necessary, but then it affects all time logged (existing worklogs) to this issue.
Log time to an issue in this Jira project. All worklogs for the issue are then associated with this account.
If a different Account is selected for the issue later, all worklogs are connected to that new Account.
Check the time logged to an account in its Timesheet.
Logging time to a Tempo account using the Account work attribute
Select the account for a Jira issue each time you log your time. It requires a bit more effort than setting the account for the Jira issue, but it offers the flexibility of selecting a different account when logging time - multiple accounts can be associated to the same Jira issue.
Log time to a Jira issue and select the account you want in the Account dropdown in the Log Time form, as shown in this video:
The Account dropdown is in the Hidden fields in the Log Time form by default, but you can drag it up to the Visible fields so that it's easily available when you log your time.
You can check the time logged to an account in its Timesheet.
Logging time to a Tempo account using both the Account field and the Account work attribute
You set the preferred account in the Jira issue, but can override the default account.This can be useful if multiple teams or individuals are logging time to the same issue, and need to use a different account that what has been set in the Jira issue.
Select a Tempo account from the Account field in the Jira issue view.
Log time to an issue: the account is already set in the Account dropdown in the Log Time form because it was set in the Jira issue view, but you can select another account here.
Add suggested worklogs
Tempo gathers data based on the time you spend working in the apps and external calendars that are connected to Tempo. Based on the time you spend on activities and the events in your calendars, it can create suggestions for you that show up as activity cards in My Work in Tempo Timesheets. Then you can log time to these suggestions in a single click.
It's important to understand that your time is not logged automatically with Tempo automation: it's simply providing helpful suggestions that make logging time faster and easier.
The My Work view provides a complete overview of your daily work, including activities coming from your connected Google and/or Office 365 calendars, Jira, and apps such as VS Code or JetBrains. Activity cards from your providers are displayed here.

In My Work, click the Settings icon in the top right, then select Settings under ACTIVITIES.
In the Activity Settings, click the edit icon next to a provider. You might need to install the associated app in the Tempo Apps page. Jira is always connected.
Follow the directions to connect the provider. For calendars, we recommend an enhanced calendar.
Do your work in these providers as usual, such as creating events in your connected calendar, working on Jira issues, or coding in your developer apps.
Log time quickly and easily to the suggestions provided in My Work for calendar events or the activities you did.
You can also remove suggestions by clearing the selection by the provider in the Activities feed filter.