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Create a Cost Tracker Project

When you create a Tempo project in Cost Tracker, you are creating a project container and using a Jira filter (JQL) to collect issues to define the scope of your project.

Your filter should contain all the issues that you want to track as part of your project. Ensure that project team members have the appropriate permissions to log time against these issues.

We recommend creating a Jira filter before creating a cost tracker project.

When you create a Tempo project, you are considered the Project Owner. You can share a project with others, and transfer the Project Owner role to another person. The individuals with whom you’ve shared the project can modify the project. The only thing they won’t be able to do is change the Jira filter, which defines the project scope. Only a Project Owner can import a different Jira filter to change the project scope.

You cannot import a Jira filter that contains more than 10,000 issues.

To create a Tempo project in Cost Tracker:

  1. From Tempo sidebar, select the Cost Tracker icon, to get to the  Cost Tracker home page.

  2. Click Create Tempo Project

  3. In the Create Tempo Project form that opens, fill in the information:

    • Enter a Name for your project. You have complete flexibility in naming your projects so that it's easy to apply any of your organization's standards. You can use any UTF-8 character, including emojis! The default name is 'New Project'.

    • To define the Scope, select a Jira filter containing the issues you want to import to set the project scope. Favorite filters appear at the top of the list in alphabetical order. All other filters are ordered alphabetically. 

  4. Select a Project Type. Projects can be Monetary-based calculated per hourly rate, or Time-based calculated per labor hours.

  5. For Monetary-based project type, enter a Default Hourly Rate for all project team members. When you enter a rate, you will see any actual costs incurred to date immediately. You can set a specific rate for each team role and each team member later on.

  6. For Monetary-based project type, select the Currency to use for this project.

  7. Click Create to confirm, and the Tempo project is created.

All issues from the Jira filter are imported according to the default Jira order and displayed in the Scope view shown below. The project is added to the project list on the Cost Tracker home page.

  • All fields here are optional. You can simply create an empty project using default values, and the 'New Project' is added to the project list on the Cost Tracker home page. You can set your scope and configure your project settings at any time.

  • To include time logged on any issue subtasks in your project costs, you must include subtasks in your Jira filter.

  • If you log time for a future date, that time is not included in your current tracked costs. Costs are actualized when they occur.

Configuring your Tempo project

You can both create and configure your project right away simply by selecting Create and Configure from the Create drop-down.

You can configure the following:

  • General - Set and modify the basic project settings, including a budget - see below.

  • Members & Roles - Assign roles to project team members.

  • Sharing - Share your project with one or more collaborators.

  • Project Attributes - Populate your projects' metadata.

  • Cost Rates - Set hourly cost rates for team members.

  • Billing Rates - Set hourly billing rates for team members. This configuration is visible when revenue tracking is turned on.

Share Cost Tracker Projects

As the Project Owner, you can share your project with collaborators, who are selected Cost Tracker users who need access to project information, or who collaborate in managing the project. When you share a project with others, they can edit and update the project scope and configuration, and also share the project with other Cost Tracker users. However, only the Project Owner can change the Jira filter used to define the project scope.

  1. Click Configuration at the top-right.

  2. Select Sharing on the left. 

  3. Begin typing in the search box to find the Jira user with whom you would like to share your project, then click Add. The user is added to the list below the Project Owner.
    A warning icon will appear next to a person's name to indicate that a Jira administrator must add them to a group that has been granted the global Tempo Cost Tracker Access permission before they can collaborate on your project.

To remove a person's access to a Cost Tracker project, hover over their name, and then click Remove Access.

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