Checkpoint: Reporting
You’ve logged some time, approved a timesheet, and learned how to track your hours for invoicing. You can view your worklogs and timesheets.
At this point, you can run some reports on the work you’ve logged.
Create Reports
Select Reports in the Tempo sidebar to open the Reports Overview.
Click the tile for the type of report you want to create: Logged Time, Planned Time, or Planned vs Actual.
In the Report wizard that appears, click the Filter by box to display a list of filter options. You can always change your filter settings after the report is generated.
Scroll down to the bottom of the list to select a Jira Filter (JQL).
When you are finished selecting your filters, click outside the list to return to the wizard.
To organize the report results, click the Group by box to display grouping options. By default, Logged Time report data is grouped by project/user, and Planned Time report data by user/plans. Tempo remembers your grouping configuration and will apply your selected groups the next time you generate a report.
You can select more than one item to group by. Items are organized according to Jira hierarchy.
To remove a grouping level, click the x for that level.
Grouping options are different for each type of report.
If a user is a member of multiple teams and has more than one role/team, only the role/team from the last team they joined will be visible in reports when you group by Role or Team. This also applies when you group by Component or Fix Version as well, meaning the reports will display data under the most recently added component or fix version.
When you are finished grouping the data, click outside the list to return to the wizard.
Click Create and the new report based on what you selected here is created and displayed.