Financial Manager FAQ
Some features are not yet available to all customers. To participate in Tempo's Early Access Program and gain access to this feature, visit our TempoLab page.
How are costs calculated?
The hours used to calculate your costs come directly from time logged on Jira issues using Tempo Timesheets. Hours are multiplied by the cost rate you set in Financial Manager settings.
Hours for subtasks of an issue are NOT automatically included: if you want to track hours from subtasks, the subtasks must be included as part of the scope of the Jira filter that you are using to create your project. Hours logged for the future are also not included.
Can I add new issues to my project?
Re-sync your Tempo project to the Jira filter you used to define your project scope. Any new or deleted issues will be reflected in your Financial Manager project.
Can I change my project scope?
If you are the Project Owner - usually the person who created the project - you can change the project scope used for your project and retain the groups you already created. This is especially useful if there are similarly named Jira filters, structures, Jira projects, or Jira epics, and you selected the wrong one.
What is a 'calculated' timeframe?
The timeframe is calculated by default when you define your project scope. This means that the start and end dates for your project are set according to the earliest and latest dates on which a member of your project team logged time on any issue, added an expense, or added a plan, up to and including today's date.
When a member of your team logs time, adds an expense, or adds a plan - either on an earlier or later date - the start or end date for your project timeframe updates accordingly. For example, if someone forgot to log some of their time at the beginning of the project and then logs time on an earlier date, the start date for your project would be earlier.
When you set a fixed timeframe for your project, any time logged or expense added on an earlier or later date is not included in your costs. You can edit your Timeframe anytime, as required, or revert to a calculated timeframe.
Time logged on a future date or planned for the future is not recorded in your project costs. TEMPOLAB However, expenses and fixed revenue occurrences, both in the past and in the future, are also accounted for in the project timeframe calculation.
Does using Financial Manager affect my Tempo Timesheets worklog data?
No. Financial Manager has read-only access to Tempo Timesheets worklogs. You can view the data, but there is no risk of losing it, and you cannot edit worklogs from Financial Manager.
Who can access Financial Manager?
Only people who are granted the Tempo Project Manager global permission can access Tempo Financial Manager. Jira administrators must add specific users to a group that is granted access to Tempo Financial Manager. This is different from the Tempo Timesheets Access permission, where everyone with access to your Jira site is granted access to Tempo Timesheets by default and can interact with it according to their permissions.
Why can’t I see the Costs & Revenues report tile?
You can view the Costs & Revenues report tile on the Reports page when you have either the Tempo Project Manager permission or have never installed Financial Manager by Tempo. Request access to Financial Manager from your Jira administrator.
Why can’t I see some projects?
Tempo projects' visibility is controlled by a combination of Jira global permissions and Tempo project access settings. While you can view privileges through Jira global permissions, some Tempo projects are restricted to specific users.
View the Permissions and Roles for Tempo Projects to learn more.
Why can’t I change project settings in Tempo Settings
Access to Tempo Settings, specifically Tempo Project Settings, has been restricted to the Tempo Project Administrator permission. Previously, users with the Tempo Administrator and Tempo Project Manager permissions could modify these settings.
If you still need access, ask your Jira administrator to update your Jira global permissions.