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Configuring Your Structure

You can view, configure, and change between structures using the Structure Selector Menu and Manage Structures.

Switch Structures

To switch between structures, click the structure name to open the Structure menu.

Structure menu

A selection of your structures are displayed in the menu for easy access, or you can use the search bar to locate a structure by name. If you still can't find the structure you're looking for, select All Structures at the bottom of the menu.

All Structures

The All Structures page lets you view, search for, create, and delete structures, as well as change their settings.

To open All Structures, go to the Structure Selector menu and select All Structures.

All Structures in the Structure menu

This will open the All Structures page.

All Structures page

Locate the structure you want to configure by finding it the list or using the Search bar. Once you locate a structure, you can:

  • Configure the structure (edit the name and description)
  • Open the structure
  • Share the structure
  • Delete the structure (with Control permission)

You can also create new structures by clicking the Create Structure button.

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