The Status category column allows you to see at a glance which Status category each issue is in. This can be extremely useful if different teams/projects use different workflows or custom statuses.
Status category values can be used to sort, filter or group issues. They can also be used in JQL queries and formulas.
Export to Structure has been removed from the Issue Navigator page
Fixed: With Group by Status generators, unable to move issues within the same Status grouping
Fixed: Summary value looks empty when editing another field
Fixed: Values in aggregate columns (with Sum over sub-items option checked) cannot be edited after a sort
Fixed: Summary is editable inline even if it has been removed from the edit screen
Fixed: Power Scripts 4.6.0 breaks Structure transformations
Fixed: Items sometime move incorrectly when Manual Adjustments are used with Automations
Supported Versions
Structure 5.4 and all extensions support Jira versions 7.6 or later. All editions of Jira (Jira Core, Jira Software, Jira Service Desk) are supported. Jira Data Center is supported.
With respect to other add-ons and custom integrations, this release is backwards-compatible with Structure 3.4–5.3. Structure.Testy extension, Colors, Structure.Pages, Structure.Gantt and integrations with third-party apps should continue working normally.
Installation and Upgrade
Installing Structure
If your Jira server does not have Structure yet, the installation is simple:
Download and install Structure app, either from the Atlassian Marketplace or our Download page.
When Add-on Manager reports the successful installation, click Get Started to visit a page with important guidance for the Jira administrator. You may want to also check out the user's Get Started page, available under the "Structure" top-level menu.
If you have Structure.Pages installed, make sure you've upgraded to version 1.3 or later, both on Jira and on the Confluence side. If your Confluence version is not compatible with Structure Helper 1.3, you should stay with version 1.2 for Structure.Pages and Structure Helper apps, but please note that there are limitations to its compatibility with Structure 4.2 and higher, so a Confluence upgrade to version 6.1 or later is recommended.
Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for log messages from Structure.
The upgrade procedure from versions 3.x–5.3 is simple:
Consider backing up Jira data. Use Administration | System | Backup System. (If you have a large instance and a proper backup strategy in place, you may skip this step.)
Back up Structure data. Use Administration | Structure | Backup Structure menu item. If you have a lot of structures and a large Jira, consider turning off the "Backup History" option to avoid a long backup process.
Install the new version of the plugin.
Monitor catalina.out or jira-application.log for warnings or errors.
We strongly recommend that you back up your data before upgrading. The introduction of manual adjustments required changes to our backup file format, which makes previous versions of Structure unable to restore data from backup files created by Structure 5.0 and later. For more information, see Backup Format Version Change.
Enterprise Deployment Notes
Structure 5.4 introduces two new features and a performance improvement important for large-scale Jira Server and Jira Data Center instances.
Periodical Cleaning of the JQL Query Literals Cache
Jira has quite a lot of request-level caches that keep expensive data easily accessible for the duration of a single user request. These caches get cleared once the request completes, and since the absolute majority of requests are quick, there is usually no problem.
However, we have seen a few support cases in which an unusually long-running background task would make a Structure thread accumulate too much data in request caches, consuming excessive amounts of memory.
We are actively working to solve this problem, and in Structure 5.4 we introduce periodical cleaning of the JQL query literals cache, which is one of the caches susceptible to the problem. Further improvements in this area are planned for future Structure releases.
If you have large structures that take significant time to generate, we advise that you check their performance in a staging environment before upgrading.
Time in Status Column
The new Time in Status column is based on issue history data, so the values can be quite expensive to calculate. Our performance tests have shown that in the aggregate mode, it can be visibly slower than simple field-based columns in structures of 10,000 issues or more. If you are planning to use this column with large, deeply-nested structures, we advise that you check its performance on a staging system.
Memo Item Type
The new Memo item type is based on generic items, introduced in Structure 4.4. The data will be stored in the AO_8BAD1B_GENERIC_ITEM table, which will contain one row for each memo item. Because the table has been introduced earlier, there are no schema updates in this release.
Memos may be slower when accessing structure via Chrome with the built-in spell checker enabled.
Testing on a Staging Environment
Apart from the suggestions above, there are no special areas of interest for load testing and stress testing Structure 5.4. We advise running the same testing procedures as you've done for previous upgrades.