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API Changes in Structure 6.2

Minor Java API Release

There are a few API additions coming with this release. The changes are backwards-compatible, so any code using API 17.x should work fine.

Jira Version

New API Version



See Structure API Versions for full version information and downloads.

Compatible Changes in the Java API

CoreEffects has many new methods that generate effect descriptions for the new effect providers in Structure 6.2, which can update multi-valued fields, both built-in and custom. There are 30 new methods in total, please refer to the Javadoc for details.

There are two new constants in CoreEffectorParameters:

  • SEND_NOTIFICATIONS controls whether e-mail notifications are sent when effects are applied.

  • COLLECTION_OPERATION controls whether an effector should add, remove, or replace values when working with a multi-valued field.

The Attribute to Issue Field effector supports both parameters.

StructureConfiguration has new setter methods that accept project IDs and permission subjects where previously it accepted only string-encoded representations thereof:

  • setPickedProjectIds(LongIterable)

  • setPickedProjectIds(Collection<Long>)

  • setPermissionSubjects(StructureAppPermission, Collection<? extends PermissionSubject>)

StructurePage.STRUCTURE_BOARD_WITH_DETAILS is no longer supported and has been marked @Deprecated.

New methods StructureUtil.ivn(String) and TypeUtils.ivn(String) convert a string to a nullable Integer. They complement iv(), lv(), and lvn() that these classes already had.

New REST API for App Configuration

There is a new REST API for working with the app configuration. It lets you read and update the list of projects for which Structure is enabled, as well as Structure's global permissions. Please refer to the documentation for a detailed description.

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