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API Changes in Structure 6.1

Minor Java API Release

There are a few API additions coming with this release. The changes are backwards-compatible, so any code using API 17.x should work fine.

Jira Version

New API Version



See Structure API Versions for full version information and downloads.

Compatible Changes in the Java API


Starting with version 6.1, Structure will fire a StructureDeletedEvent to Jira's EventPublisher whenever a structure is deleted. You can register a listener for this event, for example, if you need to delete any extra data that your code associates with a particular structure.

New utilities

We have added two new classes to the com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util package. Both classes are related to integers, our primitive collections library:

  • IntegersUtil contains two methods extracted from StructureUtil (to be used in the cloud-based version of Structure).

  • JavaListToLongListAdapter lets you represent a regular Java List as a com.almworks.integers.LongList using a ToLongFunction for conversion.

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