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Project Permissions

Project permissions are project-level Jira permissions that affect access to Jira projects, their issues, and worklogs in Tempo. These are part of typical Jira project management tasks managed through the Jira permission schemes. 

For more information about how to manage Jira project permissions, see Managing project permissions in Atlassian Jira's documentation.

When you install a Tempo app, there are several basic Jira project permissions that you need to grant to all Tempo users. As well, Tempo adds some of its own permissions to the Time Tracking permissions (for Tempo Timesheets) that you need to grant to Tempo users.

Ensure that the atlassian-addons-project-access project role is granted all permissions in the Permission Schemes used for all of your Jira projects in order for Tempo Timesheets to function properly.

To grant Project permissions:

  1. Make sure you have Jira Administrator permissions.

  2. Go to Project - Project Settings - Permissions to view the permission scheme associated with the project.

  3. To modify the permission scheme, click on the Permissions link in the Actions column.

  4. Find the permission you want on this page, such as those in the Time Tracking permissions section (see the table below), and click the Edit button beside it.

  5. In the Grant Permission dialog, select Group, then select the Jira group to whom you wish to grant this permission, then click Grant.

Project permissions

  • You need to grant these permissions for each Jira project (via its permission scheme) that Tempo users are working on.

  • You need to have Jira administrator permissions to grant any of these Project permissions.

Project Permission


Who should have this permission?

Useful information

Administer Projects

Permission to edit:

Project role membership

Project components

Project versions

Some project details

Jira and Tempo administrators, project managers

This is a Jira permission that's useful for Tempo administration.

Browse Projects

Permission to:

Browse the Jira project

Use the issue navigator

View individual issues

All Tempo users who work on Jira projects and issues.

You need this permission for the relevant Jira projects to be able to view the time records and plans.

This is a basic Jira permission that all Jira users need for the projects on which they're working.

The project role atlassian-addons-project-access must be granted permissions to a project in order for Tempo Timesheets to function properly.

See the Atlassian Jira documentation for more information.

Work on Issues

Permission to access and use Tempo Timesheets

Permission to log time on Jira issues

All Tempo users who need to log their time to Jira issues using Tempo Timesheets.

Jira users cannot access or use Tempo Timesheets if they do not have Work on Issues permission for at least one Jira project.

Delete All Worklogs

Permission to delete all worklogs made on issues in this Jira project.

Team leads and managers, project managers.

Delete Own Worklogs

Permission to delete your own worklogs made on issues in this Jira project.

All Tempo users who log their time.

Edit All Worklogs

Permission to edit all worklogs made on issues in this Jira project.

Team leads and managers, project managers.

Edit Own Worklogs

Permission to edit your own worklogs made on issues in this Jira project.

All Tempo users who log their time.

Log Work for Others

Permission to log work on behalf of other Jira users who have permission to log time for this Jira project.

Team leads and managers, project managers.

This permission is added when you install Tempo Timesheets.

Set Billable Hours

Permission to set billable hours in worklogs for this Jira project.

Tempo users who are billing their hours for invoicing clients.

This permission is added when you install Tempo Timesheets.

When you're invoicing your customers or clients, you need to be able to enter your billable hours separately from your worked hours.

The Set Billable Hours permission makes the Billable hours field available in the Log Time form for those who need to enter billable hours.

Do not grant this permission for Jira projects to which Internal-type Tempo accounts (non-billable) are linked.

View All Worklogs

Permission to view all worklogs made by others on issues within a Jira project for which they have the Browse Projects permission.

You can see the worklogs of Jira users, regardless of their status: active, inactive, or deleted.

Team leads and managers, HR, project managers.

This permission is added when you install Tempo Timesheets.

If you have this permission and still can't view all worklogs, it may be because you don't have Browse Projects permission for this project (see above), which you need.

View Issue Hours

Permission to access the total number of hours per issues in this Jira project, but not to see the individual worklogs of users.

Managers who need time record data to run reports on logged time for the company, but are not allowed to see the individual worklogs.

This permission is added when you install Tempo Timesheets.

Jira team-managed project permissions (formerly next-gen)

Jira team-managed project permissions dictate if and how you can access a project -- whether as an administrator, member or viewer. The team-managed permission roles also determine whether you can access apps like Tempo from within your team-managed projects.

In order to see the issues and time records for a team-managed project, you need to be a member of the project's board. You can go to the Project Settings of the project, and then select Access in the sidebar to see who has access to the project and/or grant access to it.

Roles (also known as permissions) control what each person can see and do on the project's board. To see Tempo data in your team-managed projects, you need to grant Tempo permissions for the project. Tempo permissions are granted by creating a new role and then selecting which Tempo permissions you want to apply to that role.

For more information about team-managed projects, see Atlassian's documentation.

To set Tempo permissions for a team-managed project:

  1. In your team-managed project, select Project Settings > Access

  2. Select Manage roles in the upper-right, then click Create role.

  3. Give your role a name, enter a description and assign relevant project permissions.

  4. Click the App permissions tab and go down to Perform "Tempo Base plugin" actions.

  5. Select the Tempo permissions for this role. You can select the checkbox at the top of the Tempo permissions list to select all permissions at once.

  • Log Work for Others - Permission to log time on behalf of other Jira users who have permission to log time for the project.

  • Set Billable Hours - Within the context of the project, permission to set billable hours of worklogs for the project in Tempo.

  • View all Worklogs - Permission to view all worklogs for the project in Tempo Timesheets.

  • View Issue Hours - Permission to access the total number of hours per issue, but not to see individual worklogs.

When you're done, click Create. You can now assign the role to your team members on the Access page.

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