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Install Tempo Apps

Tempo apps are initially installed through the Atlassian Jira Marketplace. After you've installed your first Tempo app, you can install other Tempo apps through the Tempo app page.

Before you begin

A Jira Administrator must perform the installation and setup steps.

Install your first Tempo app

Install Timesheets by Tempo through the Jira Marketplace.

You must install Timesheets to install Financial Manager by Tempo.

  1. Navigate to the Jira Marketplace.

  2. Search for Timesheets by Tempo.

  3. Click Try it Free.

  4. Click Start Free Trial.

You can now access Timesheets from the Apps menu.

Install additional Tempo apps

Install Capacity Planner by Tempo and Financial Manager.

  1. Expand the Jira Apps menu, and then select Tempo.

  2. Select Apps in the Tempo sidebar.

  3. In the Tempo Capacity Planner tile, click Install. You are redirected to the Atlassian Marketplace to confirm the installation.

  4. Return to the Apps page to install Financial Manager.

When installed, the apps are added to the Installed section of the Tempo Apps page, and the Capacity Planner and Financial Manager icons are added to the Tempo sidebar.

Verify your install

At this point, all users should be able to view:

  • The Tempo menu and sidebar by navigating to Jira Apps > Tempo

  • Tempo Gadgets in the Jira dashboard

  • Tempo features in the Jira issue view

If your users can't view the Tempo additions, verify their Jira permissions:

  1. Navigate to  Jira settingsSystem > Global permissions.

  2. At the bottom of the page, under Grant Permission, grant the following access:

    • Tempo Timesheets Access

    • Tempo Planner Access

    • Tempo Project Manager or Tempo Project Viewer

  3. Select the user or group you want to grant access to Tempo, then click Add.

By default, all users granted access to your Jira site are added to the jira-software-user group. Tempo permissions are granted automatically to that group, which enables Tempo apps for all your Jira users unless you’ve changed the memberships to this group.

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