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Configure Logging Time Options

Tempo Administrators can perform these tasks.

The Logging Time options determine the behavior for how users log their time - for example, whether it should be possible to log time without adding a Description, or being able to log time to an issue that has a Tempo account that is closed. You can configure these options for all users on your Tempo instance.

To configure the log time options:

  1. Select Settings in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Under Configuration, select Logging Time.

  3. Select the options that are displayed or affect the behavior when users log their time:

  • Remaining estimate is optional - by default, users are not required to enter an estimate of the remaining time in a worklog. Clear the checkbox if users should not be able to log time without adding a remaining estimate.

  • Worklog description is optional - by default, users are not required to enter a description for each worklog). Clear the checkbox if users should not be able to log time without entering a description.

  • Users can log time for closed and archived accounts - users can log time for Tempo accounts with the status of Closed or Archived. You can always log time for Tempo accounts that are open.

  • Users can log time up to this number of days into the future0 Days means that users cannot log time for tomorrow. 360 Days means that users cannot log time on a date that is more than a year from the current date. 

  • Maximum hours per day per user - Unlimited provides an unlimited value for maximum hours. If you select a limited value from the list, the lowest value is set as the Hours per day in Jira Time Tracking settings, and the highest value ends in 24 Hours.

Create work attributes for customized time logging

Work attributes are custom fields that you can add to worklogs so that users can record detailed information about logged time. For example, you can use work attributes for tracking hours to Accounts, "Overtime", or "Travel time".

All work attributes are added to the Log Time form and are available for all Tempo users. Although work attributes are added as hidden fields by default, users can customize their Log Time form to have them always visible. They can also change the order in which the work attributes appear.

To create a work attribute:

  1. Select Settings in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Under Configuration, select Work Attributes.

  3. Click the + New Work Attribute button in the top right.

  4. In the New Work Attribute form, enter the Name of the work attribute you want to create.

  5. If the attribute should be a required option, turn on the Required toggle.

  6. Select a Type from the dropdown. Available types include CheckboxInput FieldNumeric Input Field, and Static List

  7. Selecting Account as a Work Attribute type allows you to link accounts directly to worklogs. Only one work attribute can be defined as the Account type.

  8. Click Save to create the work attribute.

Add a work attribute as a static list (simple dropdown list)

  1. Select Static List as the Type when you create the work attribute.

  2. In the Values field that appears in the form, add each item you want in the list and click the Add button.

  3. You can drag each item in the order you want below, or click the icon to delete that item.

  4. Click Save to create the work attribute. 

Change the order of the work attributes in the Log Time form

The order of the work attributes in this table determines the default order in which they appear in the Log Time form. They are added to the table in the order in which you created them, but you can reorder them as you like.

Drag on the left of an item in the table to change its order in the list. This is how they will appear in the Log Time form.

Users can then customize how the work attributes appear in the Log Time form for themselves.

Edit a work attribute

  1. Click the edit icon on the right side of the attribute in the table.

  2. In the form that appears, you can edit the Name of the work attribute and the state of the Required option but not the Type.

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