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Fields Supported from 3rd Party Apps

Assets (formerly Insight)

Learn more about using Assets with Custom Charts here.

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Any Object

All, Confluence and Jira



Attributes on objects

Plans (formerly Advanced Roadmaps)

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field


All, Confluence and Jira





All, Confluence and Jira





All, Confluence and Jira





Target start

All, Confluence and Jira





Target end

All, Confluence and Jira






Learn more about using Scriptrunner in Cloud with Custom Charts here.

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart by & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Scripted Number Field

All, Confluence and Jira





Scripted Date Field

All, Confluence and Jira





Scripted Text Field

All, Confluence and Jira




Scripted Database Field

Data Center, Confluence and Jira




Elements Connect

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Any connected Single select list field

All, Confluence and Jira



Any connected Text field

All, Confluence and Jira



Any connected Number field

All, Confluence and Jira




Xray Test Management

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Test Type

All, Confluence and Jira




Begin Date

All, Confluence and Jira




End Date

All, Confluence and Jira




Xray Issue Types

All, Confluence and Jira




Test plan

All, Confluence and Jira




Requirements Status

Server/Data Center Only





Server/Data Center Only




Test Execution Status

Server/Data Center Only


JQL Functions


Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field


All, Confluence and Jira

In Custom JQL



All, Confluence and Jira

In Custom JQL


Jira Misc Custom Fields

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Last Field Change Time

All, Confluence and Jira




Last Field Changed by User

All, Confluence and Jira




Parent Status

All, Confluence and Jira




Status Entered Time

All, Confluence and Jira




Status Entered by User

All, Confluence and Jira




Transition Time

All, Confluence and Jira




Transitioned by User

All, Confluence and Jira




Transitioned by Users

All, Confluence and Jira




Transition Count

All, Confluence and Jira





Time In Status

All, Confluence and Jira





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