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Fields Supported in Custom Charts

Custom Charts, Issue List, and Simple Search support all system fields and custom fields anywhere JQL is an option, and, in the Chart by and Group by dropdowns.

Custom Charts also supports all system and all custom date and number fields in the Calculate dropdowns.

Jira Service Desk Fields

The following Jira Service Desk fields are supported in Custom Charts

JSD Field

Jira Cloud

Jira Server & Data Center

Where in Custom Charts can I use these fields?

Request Type



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Request Channel Type



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Request Language



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Satisfaction Rating



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

System Fields

The following Jira system fields are supported in Custom Charts

Jira Field

Jira Cloud

Jira Server & Data Center

Where in Custom Charts can I use these fields?




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Epic Name



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Epic Link



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Epic Status



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Issue Type



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Status Category



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Affects Version/s



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Fix Version/s



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Story Points



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Security Level



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Created Date



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Updated Date



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Due Date



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Time Spent



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Work logged



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate



Issue List Only

Issue List Only

In Issue List Only

Development Panel Fields (learn more here)



Chart by, Group by, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters, Simple Search

Epic Color

Linked Issues

Issue List Only

Issue List Only

In Issue List Only


Custom Field Types

The following custom field types are supported in Custom Charts

Custom Field Type

Jira Cloud

Jira Server & Data Center

Where in Custom Charts can I use these fields?

Select List (single choice)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Select List (multiple choices)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Radio Buttons



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Check Boxes



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

User Picker (single user)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

User Picker (multiple users)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters




Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Project Picker (single project)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Version Picker (single version)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Version Picker (multiple versions)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Text Field (read only)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Text Field (single line)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Text Field (multi-line)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Select List (cascading)



Chart by, Group by, Source, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Date fields



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

Date and time fields



Chart by, Group by, Source, Calculate, Simple Search fields, Issue List fields, and Issue List Quick Filters

3rd Party Fields

Click here to expand...

Assets (formerly Insight)

Learn more about using Assets with Custom Charts here.

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Any Object

All, Confluence and Jira



Attributes on objects

Plans (formerly Advanced Roadmaps)

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field


All, Confluence and Jira





All, Confluence and Jira





All, Confluence and Jira





Target start

All, Confluence and Jira





Target end

All, Confluence and Jira






Learn more about using Scriptrunner in Cloud with Custom Charts here.

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart by & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Scripted Number Field

All, Confluence and Jira





Scripted Date Field

All, Confluence and Jira





Scripted Text Field

All, Confluence and Jira




Scripted Database Field

Data Center, Confluence and Jira




Elements Connect

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Any connected Single select list field

All, Confluence and Jira



Any connected Text field

All, Confluence and Jira



Any connected Number field

All, Confluence and Jira




Xray Test Management

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Test Type

All, Confluence and Jira




Begin Date

All, Confluence and Jira




End Date

All, Confluence and Jira




Xray Issue Types

All, Confluence and Jira




Test plan

All, Confluence and Jira




Requirements Status

Server/Data Center Only





Server/Data Center Only




Test Execution Status

Server/Data Center Only


JQL Functions


Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field


All, Confluence and Jira

In Custom JQL



All, Confluence and Jira

In Custom JQL


Jira Misc Custom Fields

Field Name

Hosting Type

Chart By & Group By


Issue List Field

Simple Search Field

Last Field Change Time

All, Confluence and Jira




Last Field Changed by User

All, Confluence and Jira




Parent Status

All, Confluence and Jira




Status Entered Time

All, Confluence and Jira




Status Entered by User

All, Confluence and Jira




Transition Time

All, Confluence and Jira




Transitioned by User

All, Confluence and Jira




Transitioned by Users

All, Confluence and Jira




Transition Count

All, Confluence and Jira





Time In Status

All, Confluence and Jira





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