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Adding a Field to the Issue Screen

In order to edit fields in Structure, those fields must be added to the appropriate issue screens from your Jira settings:

Adding Custom Fields

To add a custom field to an issue screen:

  1. Go to Settings | Issues. (Note: You must have admin access)

  2. In the left menu, select Custom fields.
    Custom fields

  3. Locate the field you want to be able to edit from Structure. Click the  on the far right, and select Associate to Screens.
    Associate a custom field to screens

  4. Select the “Default Issue Screen” for any project within the structure (or select all Default Issue Screens, if you use this field with multiple structures).
    Select Issue Screens

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Update.

Adding Jira Fields

To add a Jira field to an issue screen:

  1. Go to Settings | Issues. (Note: You must have admin access)

  2. In the left menu, select Field configurations. Locate the appropriate configuration and click Configure.
    Field Configuration screen

  3. Search for the field you want to add and click Screens.
    Search for a Jira field

  4. Select the “Default Issue Screen” for any project within the structure (or select all Default Issue Screens, if you use this field with multiple structures).
    Select Issue Screens

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Update.
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