Comparision Between Formulas in Cloud and Data Center
Users who are familiar with the current versions of Structure for Jira Data Center or Server will notice some differences in the features available on Structure Cloud. We will work to bring many (if not all) of these features to Structure Cloud as soon as possible.
Feature | DC/Server | Cloud |
Expr Language | Expr 2.0 | Expr 2.0 with limitations
Values |  | Item Properties are only available for User, Component, Project, Sprint, Status, and Version types.
Variables |  | Only Jira fields can be used as variables
"this" variable is not supported
Local Variables |  |  |
Conditional Expression |  | 
Property Access |  |  |
Functions |  | No Miscellaneous Functions: ACCESS, HISTORICAL_VALUE, ME
Only our format is supported in DATE, DATETIME functions
yyyy-MM-dd for DATE, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss for DATETIME
Standard formats for the specified locale are not supported
Jira formats, as specified in the Jira's system settings are not supported
User-defined Functions |  |  |
Aggregate Functions |  |  |
Embedded Queries |  | Only JQL, no S-JQL |
Other |
Attribute sensitivity |  | Standard sensitivity. All attribute fields except numeric and date fields are set to sensitive. |
Jira Duration |  |  |
Wiki Markup |  | Supports Markdown language for text formatting, color, and emojis. |