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Update Your Roadmap

Leadership can get progress updates for their roadmaps at any time.

To get an update, open the roadmap, click the Structure icon, and select Refresh Now.

When you sync the data from Structure, the issues you added to the structure will be added below their corresponding roadmap items.

View Working Data for Each Roadmap Item

Progress and timeline data from Structure and Structure.Gantt is added to each item so it can be compared to the original plan.

View Working Progress on the Roadmap

To display the progress from Structure on your roadmap, open the Format menu, locate Item Progress, and select the integration Progress option:

Update the Roadmap Timeline

It’s also possible to update the start and end dates on your roadmap based on the working dates in Structure. To do this, you need to create a new baseline in Structure.Gantt.

Once this is done, refreshing the Structure integration will update the roadmap dates to match the new Structure.Gantt baseline dates.

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