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August 25th, 2022 | Release 33 | Open API

Development of the Open API was a major accomplishment in Release 33.

Now you can share our core Planning Intelligence features across organizational boundaries by integrating work metrics, schedule and custom data into your digital ecosystem. Use the API to filter and download data for analysis, send information into other platforms or update plan items based on user actions in other systems. You can look forward to continuous improvement over the coming months – we’re already working on follow up tasks!

Use the API to . . .

Add new plan items to any Collection
Update existing plan items in any Collection

Get data about plan items in JSON format
Get logged time entries in JSON format

Download into an Excel File

  • Project, Task or Assignment Grid View data

  • Timesheet Export data

API EndPoints, Methods and Filtering

Filtering is supported for these Endpoints:

  • Workspace (GET)

  • Users: Workspace Members, Resources and Placeholders (GET)

  • Plan Items: Package, Project & Sub-Folder, Task, Assignment (GET, POST, PUT)

  • Task Status (GET)

  • Cost Codes (GET)

  • Logged Time Entries (GET)

  • Timesheet Export (GET)

  • Grid with Project, Task or Assignment row type (GET)

Filtering is not supported for these Endpoints:

  • Workspace Dashboard List Widget (GET)

  • Workspace Dashboard Metrics Widget (GET)

API Documentation and Support

The API Guide for LiquidPlanner New has everything you need to get started. If you need a refresher on an API, check out our blog, Why is API an Important Project Management Software Feature.

Guides explain pagination, filters, formatting and error codes including detailed Endpoint explanations with examples.

API Reference has a complete list of Endpoints integrated with Swagger so you can try out your requests.

Changelog documents ongoing API updates and expansion.

API Support & FAQ post questions and receive help from LiquidPlanner Support.

API Availability & Access

The API is included for Organizations with a paid ULTIMATE PlanAPI Access is under Administration in the left-side navigation. The API Access button is disabled for workspaces that do not have the API enabled.

Token-Based Authentication


The LiquidPlanner API supports token-based authentication which uses a unique token identifier to make authenticated API requests on behalf of a workspace member.

Org Admin access is required in order to view, create and manage tokens.

Creating Tokens

Navigate to Administration > API Access and use the Create New Token button. Assign the token to another workspace member by selecting them from the drop down menu in the Token Owner column. Members can have more than one token assigned.

Managing Tokens

The default name for a new token is “New API Token for [Username]”. The name field is customizable. Tokens are enabled by default. Uncheck the box to disable a token.

Token Owners

Only workspace members can be Token Owners. When an Organization has multiple workspaces, a Token Owner’s API authorization only applies in the workspaces where they are an active member.

  • API Tokens inherit the Token Owner’s access level.

    • Token Owners with Project Editor access or higher are able to make changes via their API Token.

    • Updates made with an API Token are recorded in Changes and attributed to the Token Owner.

  • Disconnecting a member disables their tokens. Disconnected token owners are listed in red in the Token Owner column.

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