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2020-10-19 | Tempo Budgets for Server 13.18.4 Release

We've released version 13.18.4 of Tempo Budgets for Server which is compatible with Atlassian's Jira 8.x platform. Tempo Administrators and Tempo Team Administrators can now filter users by their Jira status (active, inactive or all) in the Manage Staff page in Settings.


  • Tempo Administrators and Tempo Team Administrators can now sort users by their Jira status (active, inactive or all) in the Manage Staff page in Settings.
  • We have made improvements to make the Customer browser much faster when loading a large number of Tempo Customers. We’ve also aligned the Customer browser with the overall look and feel of Tempo, added filtering capabilities and improved its error handling.


  • Fixed: Adjusted staff member overhead percent calculation to ensure it is the same in both portfolio and folio.
  • Fixed: Renamed "Approve" to "Set baseline" in Costs and Revenue tabs.
  • Fixed: Made folio overview tab (from portfolio overview gadget) responsive to browsers.
  • Fixed: "Actions" button on Manage Staff page in Settings is now visible after you have selected a user.
  • Fixed: Jira groups are not shown as members of team in permissions page.
  • Fixed: Corrected text and removed double quotes from the French translation for Créer l'équipe on the Teams page.
  • Fixed: Fixed upgrade task 18 in Teams for users who had experienced failure previously. 

How to move to this version

If you had previously upgraded to Tempo Budgets 13.19.x or 13.20.x and would like to install version 13.18.4, please follow these instructions.

Upgrading Tempo Budgets is free for all customers with an active Tempo license. Upgrade Tempo by using the JIRA Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

This release is compatible with products listed in the Compatibility Page.

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