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2019-07-10 | Tempo Timesheets for Server 10.5.0 Release

Compatible with Atlassian's Jira 8.x platform. This release includes various bug fixes and an updated Servlet API.

We've released an updated Servlet API to address issues with the team custom field in various Jira views. For more information about these changes, see Changes are Coming to the Servlet API on July 10, 2019.

  • Fixes

    • Fixed: Users without the Tempo Accounts permissions can access the Import/Export Accounts page if they have the URL to the page. Now unpermitted users see the page with only the text "403 Forbidden".
    • Fixed: Error where having more than 1000 projects caused an error in reports when filtering/exporting for certain types of Oracle databases.
    • Fixed: Adding a Jira group to a team through API results in an error.
    • Fixed: Exceeding the team summary character limit throws a 500 error. Now the summary can hold unlimited length of string.
    • Fixed: Team custom field not showing selected value in bulk edit overview. We have changed the display of the Team Customfield in the xml export, servlet export, etc. Instead of showing the team-id, it now shows the team-name. This fixes the display on the confirmation step when bulk editing the team value on issues.

Upgrading Tempo Timesheets for Server is free for all customers with an active Tempo license. Upgrade Tempo by using the JIRA Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

This release is compatible with products listed in the Compatibility Page and comes bundled with the following Tempo plugins:

Click here to view plugins bundled with this release...
  • Tempo Core 6.5.0
  • Tempo Accounts 6.5.0
  • Tempo Teams 6.5.0
  • Tempo Planning API 6.5.0
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