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2019-03-14 | Tempo Budgets for Server 13.1.0 Release

Compatible with Atlassian's Jira 8.x platformTempo Account Administrators can now add or edit the Expense (and Revenue) Categories in Tempo Settings. We've also updated the Tempo permission description and fixed an issue where the drop-down menu was not accessible for planned items in Budgets planner.

  •  Improvements
    • Expense and Revenue type in Tempo Budgets Folios, are now part of a predefined list of Expenses and Revenue Categories. Tempo Account Administrators can add to or edit the list of Expense (and Revenue) Categories in Tempo Settings. This ensures consistency and data integrity.
      Note that your existing Expense and Revenue types will be migrated to the Expense (and Revenue) Categories list.

    • We've updated the Tempo permission description on the Permission Overview page. It now reads: "Grant or deny access to Tempo Budgets to specific groups in your organization, or to external Jira users with permission to view your Jira issues. All users in your organization are granted access by default."
  • Fixes

    • Fixed: Drop-down menu not accessible for planned items in Budgets planner. 

Upgrading Tempo Budgets is free for all customers with an active Tempo license. Upgrade Tempo by using the JIRA Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

This release is compatible with products listed in the Compatibility Page, and bundled with the following Tempo System Plugins:

Click here to view plugins bundled with this release...
  • Tempo Core 6.1.0
  • Tempo Accounts 6.1.0 Plan Core 6.1.0
  • Tempo Teams 6.1.0
  • Tempo Planning API 6.1.0
  • Tempo Budgets 13.1.0 
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