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2019-02-14 | Tempo Timesheets for Server 9.3.0 Release

Tempo Timesheets 9.3.0 is compatible with Atlassian's Jira 7.x platform. In this release we've made some improvements to the timesheet approval workflow, report display, and the My Work calendar and gadget. Also, now Jira filters and projects can be used to filter issues in the Issue picker, and log work is referred to as log time. The release also includes several bug fixes.

Tempo Timesheets 9.3.0 supports Jira 7.x. Note that Tempo Timesheets 9.3.0 is not compatible with Jira 8.0 so please take care when selecting your installation versions from the Atlassian Marketplace.

  • Improvements
    • Log work is now called log time in Tempo.
    • The My Work gadget now shows worklogs and plans ordered by start time.
    • You can now add Jira filters or projects to your Tempo Issue picker and My Work side panel. This is done via the Issue picker configuration in the My Work side panel. For more information about how to configure the Issue picker, see Configuring the Issue picker.

    • The Log Time button is now disabled while the User picker is loading in the Log Time dialog box.
    • When creating or updating a plan in the My Work Calendar, the plan card is updated dynamically, similar to when creating and editing worklog cards.
    • We've made some improvements to the timesheet approval workflow that make it easier to submit and approve timesheets:

      • Users are no longer limited to the last 3 periods when submitting timesheets. 
      • Users with permission to approve timesheets can now do so directly from the user's timesheet. Approvers can find the Approve and Reject buttons on the Period drop-down when viewing the timesheet of another user.

      • The Approval log is now accessed through the cogwheel in the user timesheet.

      • We've also made it easier for approvers to find the relevant timesheets by navigating directly to it from the Teams Approval page and the approval notification email.
    • We've improved the Issue key display in reporting. To make space for more content in each of the report columns, we've made changes to the layout of reports. For example, the issue key column now supports up to 12 characters before truncating.

    • We've updated the Tempo permission description on the Permission Overview page. It now reads: "Grant or deny access to Tempo Timesheets to specific groups in your organization, or to external Jira users with permission to view your Jira issues. All users in your organization are granted access by default."
  • Fixes

    • Fixed: Tempo panel is not displayed when issue is in "work is denied" status. 

    • Fixed: Incorrect Team Administrator description in Global permissions.

    • Fixed: It is not possible to define floating holidays in a Holiday Scheme when the system language is other than English.
    • Fixed: When the language is set to other than English in Jira, the My Work gadget does not load data and the date shows an "invalid date" error.

    • Fixed: When a group of 100+ members is added to a team, it is displayed as having 0 members in the Team Overview.

    • Fixed: Groups with 100+ members do not show up in the Approval Log.

    • Fixed: Custom attributes are deleted from a worklog when it is moved from one issue to another.
    • Fixed: Users without access to Tempo products can be added to Tempo teams.
    • Fixed: Opening the Log Time dialog box using the keyboard shortcut w does not automatically set focus on the first field.
    • Fixed: Dynamic drop-down attribute with {account} placeholder not working in reports.
    • Fixed: Error with German translation.
    • Fixed: In the My Work Calendar when entering 0m or 0h in the Planned Time box in the Plan Time dialog box, the page crashes.

Upgrading Tempo Timesheets for Server is free for all customers with an active Tempo license. Upgrade Tempo by using the JIRA Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

This release is compatible with products listed in the Compatibility Page and comes bundled with the following Tempo plugins:

Click here to view plugins bundled with this release...
  • Tempo Core 5.3.0
  • Tempo Accounts 4.3.0
  • Tempo Teams 4.3.0
  • Tempo Planning API 4.3.0
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