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2018-11-29 | Tempo Timesheets for Server 9.0.0 Release

With Tempo Timesheets for Server 9.0.0 we've introduced My Work, a new 'User Timesheet'  to log work and plan time for yourself, and have replaced other predefined timesheets views with our next generation reporting engine to deliver a more powerful and flexible time-tracking and reporting tool. We've also introduced new team permission settings that let you easily manage access to data. You'll discover navigation improvements that let you access Tempo Tempo views and applications quickly and easily.


Tempo Timesheets 9.0.0 is compatible with Tempo Planner 6.0.0 and Tempo Budgets 12.0.0. Earlier versions of Planner and Budgets are NOT compatible with Tempo Timesheets 9.0.0

The Tempo Timesheets 9.0.0 release introduces some big changes and major improvements. To read a detailed description of the changes see Changes in Tempo Timesheets 9.0.0.

You can also get a good overview of the major changes in Tempo Timesheets 9 by watching a recording of our webinar introducing Tempo Timesheets 9

  • New Features
    • More powerful time trackingWe’ve introduced My Work to replace the User Timesheet, and have replaced remaining timesheet views, includingTeam, and Account timesheets, with the new Tempo reporting engine to deliver an even more powerful time-tracking and reporting tool. This means more flexibility when filtering and grouping your data, as well as improved export options - including optimizations for printable media. The My Work Tempo Calendar is now the default view in Timesheets. From there you can easily track your time by planning your work in advance and then quickly converting your plans to worklogs. 
    • New permission settings. New permissions give you flexibility to control who can view and manage personal data, while ensuring that external stakeholders have the level of access they need to get their job done. Access to worklogs can now be granted directly from Tempo using the new Team Permissions. These permission changes help you to comply with local privacy legislation. Learn more about the new permissions here.
    • Tempo sidebar. We've made navigation improvements by introducing the Tempo sidebar and simplifying the Tempo menu to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for. You now have one-click access to Tempo views and applications from everywhere in the product. This change also improves the performance of the UI. For more information about navigation changes, see Navigation changes in Tempo Timesheets 9.0.

      • Tempo calendar and worksheets are now accessed by clicking My Work in the sidebar or on the Tempo menu.

      • Team planning and resource planning are found under Planning in the sidebar or on the Tempo menu.

    • We've also started to move Tempo configuration to a dedicated Tempo Settings page, making them more accessible to the people that need them. Budget users can now manage Team and Account configurations, as well as issue Expense categories from Tempo Settings, accessible via the new Tempo sidebar navigation. 
      With this release, you can easily access global configuration settings for the following categories by clicking the Settings icon 

       in the Tempo sidebar.

  • Improvements
    • When logging work, you can now configure the issue picker to show favorite issues and Jira filters. Click here to see how.
    • Reporting optimization. All reports accessible from one location. Users are now able to export PDF reports for multiple accounts from the Report Overview, instead of from the Accounts browser.

  • Feature Removal

    • Planning for others. Calendar is now the default view in Timesheets, and there you maintain the ability to plan time for yourself. This is to facilitate better time tracking – plan your work in advance and convert the plans to worklogs. Tempo also offers Planner, a powerful tool that helps you easily manage your resource planning to effectively plan your resources.

    • Support for Jira issue security. Jira’s issue security feature is no longer supported in Tempo which means that Tempo reports will display the issue summary, even when there is an issue-level security scheme configured for that issue.
    • Account approvals. We've removed the Account approvals feature in order to make the user interface more coherent and focused on time tracking. 
    • APIs: The existing APIs don’t support the new permissions, among other items (for example, invalid worklogs). Therefor we've made updates to our APIs. Click here for information about these changes. 
    • JQL filter in User Timesheet: Filtering based on issues is no longer possible in the user timesheet. Users can create worklog reports filtered by issues using Tempo Reports.

Changes in Tempo Timesheets 9.0.0


We've made navigation improvements to put focus on specific use cases and we're moving towards a single reporting tool to satisfy the reporting needs of our customers. In context reports are still available so that users can quickly access timesheet reports for specific users, teams, or accounts, but with this change users are no longer able to context switch directly from context specific timesheets report. Instead, users can create and save reports filtered on users, teams, accounts, projects, and more in the Tempo Reports overview. The new Tempo sidebar navigation provides quick access to Tempo Reports.


We are upgrading Tempo reporting technology which means that timesheet reports are now powered by our new, more robust and flexible reporting engine. There are several changes that users will notice when using the new timesheets. In general, users will notice more user friendly reports that provide more flexibility for presentation, and better quality exporting options.

Here are some of the most noticeable changes:

  • Report layout and content
    • The timesheet, calendar, report, and list views have been consolidated to Calendar and Timesheet, where Timesheet can be represented in grid view or list view.
    • Tempo Calendar and Timesheet are now accessed via My Work, with Calendar being the default view.
    • Timesheet reports now have more grouping options.
    • Timesheet reports now have more granular column controls.
    • Timesheet reports now have more exporting options.
    • Timesheet reports now allow users to select from different date and time formatting options.
    • Users with Edit Own Worklogs / Edit All Worklogs / Manage Team Worklogs permission can move and split worklogs
    • External hours are not displayed in the new Tempo reports.
    • Invalid worklogs are no longer supported and invalid worklogs warning is not displayed in Tempo reports.
    • Weekly totals are not displayed in reports by default. To view totals users must adjust the reporting period to the appropriate time frame using the date picker.
    • To Date totals are not displayed in reports by default. To view To Date totals users must adjust the reporting period to the appropriate time frame  using the date picker.
  • Exporting Reports
    • A print option is available for all Tempo Reports which allows users to print or save reports to a PDF file exactly as they appear in the user interface.
    • The People tab in the CSV and XLS/XLSX format is now called Users. Planned tab is no longer available in the CSV and XLS/XLSX format.
  • Timesheet reports
    • User Timesheet
      • Filtering based on issues is no longer possible in the user timesheet. Users can create worklog reports filtered by issues using Tempo Reports.
      • Approval log is now accessible through the submit dropdown in calendar and timesheet.
      • User Preferences are no longer accessible from the user timesheet:  
        • Users are not able to view or edit workload or holiday schemes.  
          • This is now accessible to Tempo Administrators and Tempo Team Administrators via Tempo Settings → Working Days.
        • Users are not able to select the default supervisor.
        • Users are not able to adjust email settings.
    • Team Timesheet
      • View timesheet for individual team.
      • Approval log is no longer accessible directly from the Team Timesheet.
      • User Preferences are no longer available from the team timesheet:
        • Users are not able to view or edit workload or holiday schemes.  
          • This is now accessible to Tempo Administrators and Tempo Team Administrators via Tempo Settings → Working Days.
        • Users are not able to select the default supervisor.
        • Users are not able to adjust email settings.
    • Account Timesheet

      • Account approvals are no longer supported in Tempo Timesheets.
      • The account timesheets no longer include the monthly budget in hours. The monthly account budget is still available in the Account Monthly Budget Burnup Chart gadget.
      • Filtering is no longer available in the Account Timesheet. Instead, users can use Tempo Reports to filter on Customers, Accounts, Account Categories and Account Category Types and much more.
    • Agile Timesheet
      • The Agile Timesheet is no longer supported.
  • Team Overview
    • The Team overview page design has been improved and consolidated to a single page, where users can view all attributes of the teams and make configuration changes. The permission configuration page is still a separate page and is accessed via the cogwheel in the page header.
    • Workload and holiday schemes are no longer available through the Team page. Instead, users can view and manage these settings through Tempo settings.
    • The Mission field, where you could enter the team's mission, has been replaced by a larger field called Summary
    • Deactivation of team memberships is not supported. A membership can be deleted when it is no longer relevant/required.
    • Creating multiple memberships for the same user in a single team is not supported.
    • Creating placeholder memberships for non-Jira users is no longer supported. NOTE: anonymous members that were added to Tempo Teams before upgrading to Timesheets 9.0.0, will still exist as team members of those teams.
  • Creating Teams
    • We have added a create another option to the create Team dialog box to help creating many teams in succession.
  • Unaccounted Hours
    •  The Unaccounted Hours report has been replaced by Tempo Reports. Users can find worklogs that have no account by Grouping By Accounts. This has the added benefit of including worklogs where the account work attribute is used.
  • Accounts Browser
    • Accounts settings previously accessible via the Manage drop-down in the Accounts Browser, are now accessible via Tempo Settings in the Tempo sidebar. This includes Account Categories, Import / Export Accounts and Price Tables.
    • The Export Timesheets Reports for downloading multiple Account timesheets as a PDF file is now accessible via Tempo Reports. Multiple Account timesheets can now be downloaded in a PDF format using the menu at the top right.
    • Predefined search filters are no longer available in the Accounts browser.
  • Account Overview
    • The Accounts overview page design has been improved and consolidated to a single page, where users can view all attributes of the accounts and make configuration changes.
    • Teams linked to same projects as an Account are no longer displayed in the Accounts overview page.
  • Creating Accounts
    • Users can now link project to Accounts directly in the Create Account dialog box.
    • We have added a “create another” option to the Create Account dialog box to help creating many accounts in succession.
    • Creating Customers and Categories on the fly is no longer supported. Users can only select from already existing Customers and Categories. Customers can be created in the Customers browser. Account Categories can be created in Tempo Settings.
Tempo Settings

A number of Tempo settings previously accessible through the Jira Administration page or the Teams or Accounts Browsers, have been moved to the Tempo Settings

 accessible on the Tempo sidebar.

  • Configuration
    • Permission Overview provides an overview of how permissions are used in Tempo.
    • Internal Issues configuration. Ordering of internal issues is no longer supported. Internal issues Activity is no longer supported. 
    • Work Attributes
    • Expense Categories
  • Working Days
    • Workload and Holiday schemes. We’ve added the functionality to search for scheme members to make changes to scheme memberships easier.   
    • Users with the Tempo Team Administrator permission can now view and edit Tempo Working Days.
  • Periods
    • Period Configuration
  • Teams
    • Team Roles
  • Accounts
    • Import / Export Accounts. This was previously accessed through the Accounts Browser.
    • Account Categories. This was previously accessed through the Accounts Browser.
    • Price Tables. This was previously accessed through the Accounts Browser.
Jira Administration

There are a few changes to the configuration options in the Jira Administration Add-ons settings.

  • Field settings can now be found under Custom Fields

  • The invalid worklogs feature is no longer supported. This includes the Expression for validating worklogs. 

  • The worklog validation is no longer supported. 


You can no longer plan work for others in a timesheet. You maintain the ability to plan work for yourself in the Calendar, which is now the default view, and you can also use Tempo Planner manage your resource planning.

Removed from Timesheets, but available with Planner:

  • Plan time (other than for yourself).
  • Plan approval (in Team/User timesheet).

Removed from Tempo:

  • Overview of plans in timesheets (comes with Planner).
  • Resource capacity features in timesheets (color coding).
  • Planned tab in excel export.

Upgrading Tempo Timesheets for Server is free for all customers with an active Tempo license. Upgrade Tempo by using the Jira Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

This release is compatible with products listed in the Compatibility Page and comes bundled with the following Tempo plugins:

Click here to view plugins bundled with this release...
  • Tempo Core 5.0.0
  • Tempo Accounts 4.0.0
  • Tempo Teams 4.0.0
  • Tempo Planning API 4.0.0
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