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Build Your First Simple Search

Simple Search allows you to add dynamic filters to your Custom Charts.

Adding a Simple Search to a Jira Dashboard

  1. Click Add gadget while editing a dashboard and type Simple Search in the search

  2. Select the Custom Charts Simple Search gadget from the list

  3. Go to the newly added gadget, and edit the Source field to choose which issues will be included in the linked charts

  4. On the right side of the gadget, find the Simple Search fields section, then click + Add another field

  5. In the dropdown that appears, select an option to add as a Simple Search field

    1. You can choose any Jira field, saved Jira filter you have access to, and write your own custom JQL. Repeat until you have all desired Simple Search fields added

  6. In the bottom right corner of the gadget, click Save

Adding a Simple Search to a Confluence Page

  1. While editing a page, click +˅ in the editor and type Simple Search in the search

  2. Select the Custom Charts Simple Search macro from the list

  3. Edit the newly added macro, then edit the Source field to choose which issues will be included in the linked charts

  4. On the right side of the macro, find the Simple Search fields section, then click +Add another field

  5. In the dropdown that appears, select an option to add as a Simple Search field

    1. You can choose any Jira field, saved Jira filter you have access to, and write your own custom JQL. Repeat until you have all desired Simple Search fields added

  6. In the bottom right corner of the macro, click Insert

Connect to Custom Charts or Issue List Gadgets

For all Custom Charts and Issue List gadgets added after Simple Search, the Source will automatically set to Simple Search for easy connection!

The steps below must be followed if you add Simple Search after Custom Charts or Issue List.

  1. Navigate to the Custom Charts or Issue List gadget you want to use your Simple Search filters on

  2. With the gadget in Edit mode, click the Source dropdown and select Simple Search Gadget

  3. In the 2nd dropdown, choose the Reference ID of the Simple Search gadget you’ve just built

    1. If you only have 1 Simple Search gadget on your Dashboard, you should only see one reference ID

  4. In the bottom right corner of the gadget, click Save

Connect to Custom Charts or Issue List Macros (Confluence)

For all Custom Charts and Issue List macros added after Simple Search, the Source will automatically set to Simple Search for easy connection!

The steps below must be followed if you add Simple Search after Custom Charts or Issue List.

  1. Navigate to the Custom Charts or Issue List macro you want to use your Simple Search filters on

  2. With the macro in Edit mode, click the Source dropdown and select Simple Search Macro

  3. In the 2nd dropdown, choose the Reference ID of the Simple Search macro that you’ve just built

    1. If you only have one Simple Search macro on your page, you should only see one reference ID

  4. In the bottom right corner of the macro, click Insert

Learn More

Simple Search User Guide

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