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Admin Settings

Custom Charts has settings that only Jira or Confluence administrators can access.

Each Admin Setting is designated by a specific tab.

Follow the steps below to access the Custom Charts Admin settings in Jira and Confluence.

Access Custom Charts Admin Settings in Jira

Option 1

  1. In the top right corner of Jira, click the gear icon, then in the Jira Settings section, click Apps

  2. In the left panel, scroll through the list of apps until you find Custom Charts, then click Custom Charts - Settings

Option 2

  1. With any Custom Charts gadget in Edit mode, in the lower righthand corner, click Admin settings

Access Custom Charts Admin Settings in Confluence

Option 1

  1. In the top right corner of Confluence, click the gear icon

  2. Expand the Settings panel on the left side of the page and find the Custom Charts section

  3. Click Custom Jira Charts - Settings

Option 2

  1. With any Custom Charts macro in Edit mode, in the lower righthand corner, click Admin settings

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