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Integrating Structure Data into Cost Tracker Projects

With Structure, a Tempo Trusted app, integrated with Cost Tracker and Timesheets, you can use Structure to visualize, track, and manage the work of multiple teams or projects, and then track costs and revenue of the structure in a Cost Tracker project.

This integration allows you to define the scope of a project based on an existing structure.

Before You Begin

  • You must have installed Structure Cloud by Tempo.

  • You must be a Jira Admin.

Connect Cost Tracker and Structure

  1. Select Apps on the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Locate the Connect to Structure tile and click Install.

    Structure app.png

  3. If you haven't installed Structure on your Jira instance, the installation will fail and you will receive an error. Install Structure first, and then return to try Connect Structure again.

Once installed, the Connect to Structure tile moves to the Installed section. You can then create projects using a structure.

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