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Exporting Timesheets

Viewing worklogs for other team members requires the View Worklogs permission for the team.

You can export your timesheets as a PDF, Excel, or CSV file, or print them out for future reference. You can also do so for other team members as long as you have the correct permissions.

To export a timesheet:

  1. Open a timesheet from My WorkAccounts, or Teams. For example, click Timesheet in the top-right of the My Work Calendar.

  2. Click the button at the top-right.

  3. From the drop-down menu, select an export format from under Export Timesheet.

  • Create Printable View - Opens the timesheet(s) in a preview tab where you can change the orientation of the report before printing. You can save the report to PDF using the browser print options.

  • Export to CSV - Immediately generates and downloads a CSV file.

  • Export to Excel - Immediately generates and downloads an XLS file. Depending on your security settings, you may need to allow the file to be downloaded.

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