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Best Practices for Setting Up Timesheets

Setting up Timesheets can be fairly straightforward, but there are things that you can do to improve the experience for both the administration and usage of Tempo Timesheets.

Here are some ideas:

  • Give access to Tempo Timesheets to a small number of stakeholders at first for evaluation. Then when you’re ready to implement Timesheets, roll it out to all employees who need to use it. You can easily control access with a Jira group that you set up for all Tempo users - see  Create and update groups (Atlassian documentation) and Managing Access to Tempo Timesheets

  • Create different Jira groups for your Tempo needs according to your company. Then it's easy to add or remove users from these group as situations change: no need to grant permissions on an individual basis. Here are some suggestions:

  • All Tempo users - if only certain Jira users in your company need to use Tempo, create a group with only them in it. Then you can give access to Tempo Timesheets using this group. 
  • Tempo administrators - high-level admins who have permissions to manage Tempo in your company.
  • Tempo Account administrators - admins and financial managers who will be creating and using accounts for billing and/or tracking Capex and Opex.
  • Tempo Team administrators - team leads and managers who will be creating and possibly managing teams in your company.
  • Tempo teams - create one Jira group for each team you plan on creating, or one group for each department. Then you can add all members to a team in one click using the Bulk Add Members button - see Creating Tempo Teams.

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