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Product Updates

Make your Roadmunk experience even better with our latest (and greatest) features.

Product UpdatesNew FeatureRoadmaps

Let's Talk: Toolbars, Panels & Menus

The refreshed menus, panels, and toolbars in Strategic Roadmaps improve your experience in-app by providing a more intuitive, thoughtfully-prepared UI that promotes feature exploration and simplifies navigation.

Product UpdatesNew FeatureRoadmaps

A Better Way to Explore Your Roadmap Items

In an effort to reduce clutter and make the Item Card a feature-rich and easy to navigate experience, we’re introducing a significant UX overhaul.

New FeatureRoadmapsProduct Updates

The Next Steps for Roadmunk

We're rolling out UX overhauls for item cards and table view and two new integrations that users can choose from to improve your roadmapping experience.

Product UpdatesEnhancementRoadmaps

Let's Talk: Timeline Views

We're excited to announce some new quality-of-life updates that will help you have a better roadmapping experience in the Timeline view - all based on feedback from users like you!

Product UpdatesNew FeatureRoadmaps

Custom Account Templates

Quickly create roadmaps that align with your team, department, or organization using our new Custom Account Templates feature.

Product UpdatesNew FeatureRoadmaps

Elevate Your Roadmapping with Our Newest Integrations

With our latest update, you can automate the manual effort and time that goes into keeping your roadmaps up-to-date across even more platforms through four brand new integrations.

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Let's Talk: Portals & Browser Extensions

Multiple Feedback Portals in Roadmunk have launched - allowing for more flexibility than ever when collecting valuable customer insights!

Product Updates

Collect User Feedback & Insights Effortlessly with the Feedback Portal

The Feedback Portal provides a simple, shareable way for your team to reduce manual effort and streamline your feedback collection process.

Product UpdatesNew FeatureRoadmaps

Goodbye Markdown, Hello Rich Text

Easy to use, easy to learn, and easy on the eyes: meet our new Rich Text Description Field for Roadmapping.

Product UpdatesNew FeatureRoadmaps

Simplify Roadmap Sharing with Teams in Roadmunk

Easily curate user groups to better manage their users, provide quick access to multiple team roadmaps, and control roadmap permissions for entire teams in a single action.