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2022-10-18| Tempo Timesheets for Server 16.0.0 Release

We've released version 16.0.0 of Tempo Timesheets which is compatible with Atlassian's Jira 9.x platform. This version contains fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed: Problems are encountered when generating reports for worklogs with multiple accounts. 
  • Fixed: The User Timesheets Gadget keeps loading when editing and selecting a different user. 


  • Improved: Email notifications are added to supported languages: German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian and Chinese.
  • Improved: Added a query param that acts as a toggle for worklog-related event dispatching, allowing customers to disable it.

Tempo continually reviews its code to evaluate what is needed and ensure we provide our customers with the best and most up-to-date software releases possible. Please see our Server Code Deprecation and Removal page to find a list of the code that has been deprecated and determine whether it will have an impact on your integration points with Tempo. The deprecated code will be removed in our October release.

Upgrading Tempo Timesheets for Server is free for all customers with an active Tempo license. Upgrade Tempo by using the JIRA Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).

This release is compatible with products listed in the Compatibility Page and comes bundled with the following Tempo plugins:

Click here to view plugins bundled with this release...
  • Tempo Core 15.11.1
  • Tempo Accounts 15.11.1
  • Tempo Teams 15.11.1
  • Tempo Planning API 15.11.1
  • Tempo Platform - JIRA 15.11.1
  • Tempo Platform API 15.11.1
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